
Chinese in Austria attended the WFL Machine Tool Company Technology Summit

by:Gewinn     2022-05-16
At 11:00 a.m. on March 16, at the invitation of WFL, a well-known large-scale company in Austria, Xia Yang, Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Austria, and Jiang Bo, the First Secretary, the Economic Advisor to the President of the Austrian Federal Government, and the Austria-China International Economic and Trade Promotion Association Chairman Ni Tieping and Vice Chairman Qiu Zhihai attended the machine tool exhibition and technology summit held in WFL Machine Tool Company of Linz City, an important industrial city. Counselor Xia Yang and Consultant Ni Tieping cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony. WFL machine tool is the top product in the field of machine tools in the world. It integrates all machining and measuring operations, and is equipped with multi-axis free interpolation function of turning and milling technology. It can perform turning and milling, turning, drilling, turning inside and outside without manual intervention. Tasks such as tooth machining, circular milling and pin machining. At the same time, the workpiece can be measured online to ensure strict tolerance dimensions. Many of its cutting-edge technologies occupy leading positions in the international aerospace, aviation, marine, defense and other markets. Over the years, the Austrian-China International Economic and Trade Promotion Association has matched the project cooperation between WFL Machine Tool Company and China. At present, the company's cooperation with China accounts for one-third of the world's business. There are nearly 70 machine tool projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shenyang and other places. At 4:00 p.m. that day, more than 40 women members of the Austria-China Economic and Trade Association made a special trip to Linz from all directions to attend the machine tool company's machine tool exhibition and a series of activities at the technology summit. At 7:00 p.m., watch programs such as 'Ice and Fire' at the Linz Skating Hall.
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