

by:Gewinn     2020-06-03
Return to the transcript\'s Main Page record Point with SOLEDAD O\'Brien political analyst to check the New Hampshire primary;
Tim tebow leads the Denver Broncos to a playoff win
The future of Penn State football
Secret party at the White House? ;
New details of the case of missing children;
Report: Iran conducts uranium enrichment at a new location;
Lack of military equipment;
What\'s the use of your money? ;
The rise of Ron Paul
Fight for the New Hampshire
Interview with Rand Paul
Iranian president visits Latin America
Actor John latzenbergS.
January 9, 2012-
ETTHIS is a hurried transcript.
This copy may not be in final form and may be updated.
Soleda O\'Brien, cnn anchor: Hello everyone.
I\'m soleda O\'Brien and you\'re watching our new show, the starting point.
Nice to have you.
We live this morning at Chez Vachon in Manchester, New Hampshire.
This is the main eve of New Hampshire.
The specialty of this restaurant is called--
This is a huge plate of French fries covered with cheese curd, Canadian cheese curd and then spicy gravy.
They have promised it will be on a huge plate and we will explain the challenge (ph)
Give it to you directly.
First, though, let\'s look at the areas of change.
Is that enough to change the status quo of leader Mitt Romney?
We will take a closer look at the polls this morning.
In addition, during the two debates over the weekend, opponents were pressing him.
A little bit of a mess, but what everyone is talking about today is fighting for second place.
Then let\'s talk to Senator Rand Paul.
Of course, he is running for his father, helping him to close the gap to some extent.
However, is he setting up the stage to make it an interesting game of thrones?
We will ask him.
Then, Congresswoman Gabrielle GIF Fords returned to the scene of the Tucson massacre a year ago.
She led the men to pledge allegiance during the vigil last night.
Look at that smile.
It\'s really great to see.
We will show you some pictures.
Breaking news from Iran this morning
Iran says it has enriched uranium for the first time since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Venezuela.
His plan is to strengthen ties with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
That\'s Tebow Time.
The field quarterback took Pittsburgh to Sunday school.
Oh my God, oh my God.
This is great when working overtime.
I just sit here and watch this, yes, hit the ground and score. It\'s over.
All this, all of us. star panel.
Then actor John latzenberg will join us, Cliff in cheers.
\"He has his new career celebrity, which includes getting the United States to work again.
Of course, you will want to set up your dvr for our 8: 00. m.
Exclusive interview with Queen of souls, Aretha Franklin
The starting point starts now.
That\'s it.
That\'s what I told you.
Bring it here.
The challenge of this restaurant.
They put this in front of you. Watch out.
Make some space.
This is French fries, Canadian cheese curd, and then spicy gravy.
They sold the platter for $19.
95, but the challenge is that if you can do the whole thing 5 pounds, you can get it for free.
I have to say today, will, this is--
Clean up something in your way to help you.
\"Fire\" by columnist Will Kane: Yes. All right.
O\'Brien: By the end of the show, if you can. -here you go. I have a fork. Here, a spoon.
If you can finish, I will buy it for you for $20.
Kane: Do you have your own cardiologist? (LAUGHTER)
O\'Brien: that\'s true.
They took you straight to the emergency room.
OK, we have a countdown to the New Hampshire primary this morning.
There\'s a lot to talk about.
Let\'s talk about the Suffolk University poll.
This shows that Mitt Romney\'s lead is pretty good, but it has fallen for the fourth consecutive day.
Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman also had some gains.
A poll by the US research team showed Mitt Romney was 23% ahead of the list, with Jon Huntsman second.
The candidate debate that can be expected will begin to shift to Mitt Romney. Take a listen. (
Start Video Editing)
Rick in Mulberry TooleR)
Presidential candidate: If his record as governor of Massachusetts is so good, why don\'t you run for re-electionelection?
Presidential candidate: I went to Massachusetts to change the status quo.
I didn\'t go there again and again to start my political career.
I made a change.
I did what I wanted to do.
Newt GingrichR)
Presidential candidate: can we give up a little bit of the pious boloney?
In fact, your re-election rating is very bad.
You dropped out of the office.
You have left the state for 200 people who are preparing to run for president.
You don\'t have this episode of private citizenship when you think about what to do. (END VIDEO CLIP)
O\'Brien: Well, these debates are very interesting and full of debates over the weekend.
Let\'s introduce you to the people we are talking to this morning.
Wayne McDonald is the chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party.
Hello, sir.
You can eat whatever chips you want.
Wayne McDonald, Republican President of New Hampshire: I don\'t think I need it. (LAUGHTER)
O\'Brien: Luke Hanness, senior political analyst at CNN, and Ron Brownstein, editor of National Magazine, are also here.
James Pindel is back.
He squeezed in at the last second, a little breathless.
He is a political analyst at DMUR and helped us with another job this morning.
Then from Washington, D. C. C.
We have Democratic strategists and Maria Cardona, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton.
You are all very happy. Let\'s begin.
Let\'s talk about polls.
Wayne, when you see this sport, I think I should call you Sir.
Because I know these people.
Have a french fries, sir. Chairman.
You look at these polls that show this incremental movement, how do you feel about these changes?
They had a weekend to attack Mitt Romney for two debates. Did it work?
McDonald\'s: it\'s not uncommon for polls to tighten as election day approaches.
I\'m neutral.
I must remain neutral as the party\'s president, but Mitt Romney is still in a very solid position.
Yesterday morning\'s debate in the center of the Concord Capital was a heated one, much more intense than the one on Saturday night.
But Governor Romney has his own claims.
He defended his position well against all of this.
O\'Brien: now it\'s basically a second place?
Ron Brownstein, senior political analyst at CNN: Yes, it\'s possible to win a third place.
You have polls of all sorts of different trajectories.
The Suffolk man stepped him down, while the MUR showed Romney remained ahead.
The key questions from New Hampshire may be the same as the ones we raised from Iowa, will anyone be the only clear alternative to Mitt Romney?
You might get a result here if--
Especially if Ron Paul is able to play in a strong second place, not to mention Jon Huntsman in a third place.
Then Iowa candidate Rick Santorum was down in New Hampshire.
You move on to South Carolina in the chaos, which is good for Mitt Romney.
O\'Brien: But isn\'t that important?
If Romney could be on the front line
Runnier in Iowa is only a few points ahead, and then he can win the game in New Hampshire, which looks like any poll shows him ahead.
He is very strong in South Carolina.
Is it ultimately important?
Kane: what are we playing in New Hampshire and Iowa?
We are not fighting for representation.
If Romney wins Iowa and New Hampshire, he will run away from that conversation.
We\'re talking about him.
I\'m talking to some people in the restaurant about who they like.
They talked about Mitt Romney because they knew he was an elector.
He will win.
O\'Brien: When you talk about eight in Iowa.
You can use like--sorry. Sorry. Sorry. (CROSSTALK)
MacDonald: The problem with Romney is that he has always maintained his position throughout the process.
Bach man, Perry, Santorum, people are all up and down.
But Romney has always been the one to beat.
O\'Brien: Yes, but 75%, even if you look at your best poll, 60% of people don\'t support him.
\"Escape\" is not a word I will use.
Brownstein: That\'s the challenge we\'re going to discuss.
Two things like this throughout last January are that there is a large part of the Republican Party, probably the majority, resistance to Mitt Romney, but no one can sustain the majority behind a candidate.
If you come out of Iowa and New Hampshire, there may be the same story.
Mitt Romney continues to face resistance, but no one can say, yes, that\'s who I am.
Rick Santorum, if he can get a second place here in some way, where there is no indication that he is a second place, he may get it in South Carolina
But the risk is that you go to South Carolina, a more conservative state, and see Conservative voting clips where Romney can win John McCain, his victory in South Carolina puts him in an almost indestructible position.
James Pindell, WMUR political analyst
TV: what helped Mitt Romney is that there are no presidents in Iowa and New Hampshire.
They rubbed in the ground.
From seven major candidates after Iowa to only six now.
If, because Rick Santorum is where Newt Gingrich is, the New Hampshire will really cut the competition, create a candidate, Mitt Romney, instead of the other five. (CROSSTALK)
Governor Romney-McDonald\'s-
If Governor Romney-
O\'Brien: You said it once.
We recorded it. I heard you.
No matter who the final nominee is, success continues and the party will unite behind them.
O\'Brien: The party will unite behind them, but will the voters unite behind them?
That\'s $64,000.
MacDonald: thanks to his record in Massachusetts and some of the other positions he has taken, he has made great progress with respect to the independents.
The first is employment and the economy.
No one is better at running than Mitt Romney.
O\'Brien: Let me ask you a question about Maria Cardona, who is looking at this little fight that we are coming from Washington, D. C. C.
You know, in New Hampshire, right, one of Maria\'s narratives is that New Hampshire loves losers.
I know the story from the media. we reported the story.
We threw it away, and of course, it was Hillary Clinton who, as a loser, dropped five percentage points in the polls, three percentage points higher at the end of the poll, and New Hampshire in
Tell me a little--yes, right.
It was the day before.
What do you think is the possibility of you as her previous experience, you know, in her previous campaign?
Democratic strategist Maria Cardona: Well, I think it seems to you that voters in soleda and New Hampshire say again and again that they don\'t like anyone, whether it\'s an expert, where the vote is, or someone else tells them how they should vote.
I don\'t think they really care about what\'s going on in Iowa.
I don\'t think they care what\'s going on in the debate or what\'s been crowned.
\"I think they\'re here to make what they think is the best decision for the country, and they think, whoever is elected or who they think represents their values, this is the best choice.
There are still many undecided voters here.
Is it enough to be able to change the trajectory where everyone is talking about the buzz that Mitt Romney can produce? I don\'t know.
But this is the beauty of politics.
One day is a lifetime.
I have to point out one thing for the group, because I think it was very interesting in the past debate, and people have talked about it, in what I think Romney is vulnerable, no one can really pursue him.
I think the past debate was one that his opponents attacked him in an unprecedented way.
O\'Brien: you know.
I think they have another day. -
Cardona: That\'s right. (CROSSTALK)
You know, I hate to say that all the time.
One thing that can be predicted about New Hampshire is that it is very unpredictable.
Our poll last night showed 56%. -
This morning, 56% of the likely primary voters are still determined.
O\'Brien: First of all, we have to get to know some other news stories.
Christine looked at it and Will had a meal in our fries. (CROSSTALK)
Good morning, Christine.
CNN Business correspondent Christine Roman: if he can eat all this, it\'s news.
Thank you, soleda.
This morning, nearly five months after his arrest in Iran, a court in Iran ruled that the United States
Marine Heiman Mati worked for the CIA and sentenced him to death.
The State Department said he was falsely accused and demanded his immediate release.
This morning is also a new major drug recall.
Novartis is removing certain drugs from store shelves because of debris and broken pills and a mixture of packaging --ups.
The recalled products include a bottle of Excedrin, no dozing off, gasolineX and boufflin
No disease was reported.
During a candlelight vigil in Tucson, Arizona congressman Gabrielle GIF Fords led the crowd to pledge allegiance. (
Start Video Editing)
Crowd: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic it represents, a nation under God, indivisible and free and just for all. (APPLAUSE)(END VIDEO CLIP)
A year ago, six people, including Gifford, were killed and 13 injured.
Well, a woman cheated to die after the bungee jump line broke.
It happened in Zimbabwe.
It\'s stuck with tape. Wow.
The rope broke about 30 yards on the crocodile. Infested Waters
It was surprising that she had not been hurt significantly.
Can You Feel It?
We have to pay more at the gas station.
According to lunderberg, natural gas prices have risen 12 cents since the middle of last month, with the national average of $3. 36 a gallon.
This is about 30 cents higher than last year.
Let\'s look at the market now. U. S.
Stock futures trading is rising and falling.
Dow futures rose a bit.
S & P is now basically flat.
Nasdaq futures rose slightly.
A tug-of-war between optimism about AmericaS.
After Friday\'s strong employment report, concerns about the European debt crisis linger.
OK, LSU and Alabama will have an epic replay at the BCS Tournament tonight.
LSU worked overtime at the first meeting in November, leaving Alabama with the only loss of a year.
The stakes in the Superdome are much higher tonight.
CNN reporter Joe Carter reports in New Orleans.
Good morning, Joe.
Joe carter, HLN sports anchor: Hey, good morning.
Yes, whether you like BCS or you want to blow it up, there\'s one and the second of all the marbles tonight.
LSU spent some time in Alabama in one of the most striking seasons.
LSU is looking for a second champion in four years, and Alabama won\'t win a second in three years.
As you said, the two started in November.
It\'s really a defensive fight to 9-
LSU wins overtime
I tell you there are some incentives for LSU tonight.
Not only did they try to win the second national championship at the home of the Superdome, but Les Myers also met Nick Sabin tonight.
Les Myers will be the top paid coach for SCC, which basically means that he will receive a $1 million bonus on his contract for the next six years.
So the atmosphere in New Orleans is very active.
It\'s not particularly good now, because it\'s obviously so early.
But last night we saw lsu and Alabama, where both groups of fans were getting noisy.
As you know, soleda is easy to have fun on Bourbon Street.
I don\'t like it either, you know.
You know, this is my favorite city in the world.
Polls are trying to drown me here.
I was supposed to go to the game and then, of course, the show was moved so I won\'t go.
Let me talk to you about Tim Tebo because it was a great game last night. That 80 yards.
Carter: No?
O\'BRIEN: He\'s amazing. Yes. Just amazing.
You know--
O\'Brien: really--
Carter: In my opinion, Tebow has become the greatest story The NFL has seen this season.
You know, I can get something from Aaron Rogers, something from the Packers, which is great.
But Tim Tebo is the best story of the NFL this season.
On the internet last night, I thought Tebow would spoil twitter.
But yes, Tebow, he proved that all his critics were wrong.
He\'s already in the playoffs.
He shouldn\'t even be the starting quarterback and is now playing against Tom Brady in the second round.
So it\'s a great story that\'s been watching all year round.
O\'Brien: Yes.
But you know what I like best, people always say football should be fun.
There are other important things besides football.
When a person wins, it will make it more enjoyable.
Thank you, Joe. Appreciate it.
We got a follow-up from Suffolk University.
We were talking about the one two days ago.
Now we have a new poll. -
Oh, that\'s right there.
Look at --
See how it tracks.
You can see that on January 5 and 6, Romney was 39%.
He is now 33% in Suffolk\'s poll.
Ron Paul starts at 17%.
He went up a little.
Stayed at 20% in the last few days.
I think Huntsman is another story to follow, right?
He called 9% a few days ago.
He\'s 13% now.
That still puts Romney ahead.
We will discuss what polls like this mean to the front line.
What the runners do.
Of course, we still have to talk to Senator Rand Paul.
Of course, he is running for his father.
We will talk to him about his plans to chase a representative in Florida.
So we\'re talking about Penn State.
They appointed a new coach and everyone was very enthusiastic because he was not a Penn State coach. They\'re mad.
We need to see this.
In addition, our \"become real \".
\"There\'s a new book that says the White House has a little secret party, however, that the secret party is so secret that they actually have a video of it (INAUDIBLE)
Organizations across the country cover it, and of course, it\'s online.
We are going to talk about some secrets on becoming real.
\"We came back after that. (
Business break)
O\'Brien: Penn State University-
Welcome back.
Before we talk about Penn State, I would like to show you the internal situation of Chez Vachon.
We have a large plate of chips in front of us.
Will took a bite.
I have to tell you, it smells so sweet.
This is a professional. It\'s called --
I don\'t remember.
Unknown man: challenge.
O\'BRIEN: It\'s hard to pronounce, but it has--poutine.
Unknown man: Poutine
O\'Brien: Yes.
I got eight different pronunciations from everyone.
But this is Fries.
Can you take this?
Here\'s the fries, then you eat the Canadian cheese curd, and then we put the spicy gravy on it.
I haven\'t tried it yet, but Will did. And Will?
Man: Great.
Well, that\'s good.
We appreciate this.
All right.
Of course, let\'s talk about the involvement of Penn State in Jerry sandarski\'s sexual abuse scandal.
Now, they have a new head coach, which is a step forward.
He\'s from the New England Patriots.
My name is Bill O\'Brien.
He was an outsider, though.
He is not a former Penn State player or a coach.
Of course, all the consequences of Jerry sandarski\'s child molesting scandal that people are talking about today.
Joining us this morning is Brian Scott, who plays football for Penn State and now plays for Buffalo Bill.
Steve Adubato is a media analyst and a brand expert.
Good to meet you, gentlemen.
Brian, we started with you.
Reaction immediately after hiring Mr.
O\'Brien, I should point out that having nothing to do with me is an overwhelming negative.
What do you think?
Bill Brian Scott, Buffalo: Actually, I-
I\'m excited--
With such a choice-that they made.
You know, I understand the strong opposition of some former players.
But I\'m happy.
I think the board--
O\'Brien: What do you know about this?
SCOTT: Well, I believe they\'re between the rocks and the hard places.
I had to choose someone from outside of college like they did, and I thought it was the best decision for them.
O\'Brien: Steve, obviously, looking for a coach is a challenge after 47 years at Joe Patno.
Bill O\'Brien said this at a press conference.
We play this. (
Start Video Editing)
Bill O\'Brien, the new football coach for the Nitani Lions at Penn State: I\'m here now.
I\'m the football coach here now.
As the chief football coach at Penn State, this is my job. -
There are the best football projects inside and outside the stadium. (END VIDEO CLIP)
O\'Brien: Do you think that\'s enough?
I mean there\'s a new coach who doesn\'t have any connection to the school or does that need to be, I guess I mean, moving forward needs to be cleaned up together?
Because it\'s clear that there\'s a lot of people involved in this project, Joe Paterno, working for Jerry Sandusky, who\'s still there?
Steve adubato, media analyst: Soledad, this is a long-termterm process.
If someone thinks that hiring Bill O\'Brien is going to turn things around, they have the illusion that, whether it\'s fair or not, whether people think it\'s right or not, every remotely connected person at Penn State, their names may appear, and one of them, many trials involving Sandusky and these horrible, disgusting charges, if you wish, everyone will be involved.
My point is that everyone has to go.
You have to clean the house.
Not just in football.
This is not just an academic issue.
As far as the board is concerned, everyone in the administration is connected to Penn State, and one would say it is ridiculous.
That\'s not what the court said.
This is not due process.
We are talking about brand reputation and management.
I have a 19-year-
When he decided to go to school and said Penn State was one of them, you can\'t tell me this is--
It does not damage Penn State\'s ability to recruit, not only for football, but also for academics and the best students.
So we \'ve seen it, Steve, right?
We saw it, Brian.
We know that the three champions have changed their minds about going to Penn State.
When will it end?
I mean, at some point, it\'s--
They need a year, they need two years, they just need to win and then no one will care? What is it?
I really don\'t know.
I have no answer to this.
But obviously, you know, we are trying to move forward, the sooner we are, the better.
I think, you know, frustrated with the hiring of Coach O\'Brien, and, you know, staying where we are is not only bad for Penn State alumni, not just for the organization itself, for the football project, for the young people who will continue ---
They want to go there.
I think we just, you know, we have to leave it in order to give them a fair chance.
ADUBATO: Soledad, no--
Brian Scott, Steve Adubato, you know, I\'ll stop you there, but we\'ll keep talking about this because obviously we can ---
We can discuss all this. day.
Do you know where the line is?
Where are you stopping?
Are you the players, receptionist?
I mean, how far have you been?
Thanks, guys.
Thanks for the dialogue.
Still ahead at the starting point, news from Iran about the country\'s nuclear program.
In addition, an American who was tried there is now sentenced to death.
We will update you on his situation.
The Iranian president is in Venezuela.
We will take you to the site for updates.
Also, in becoming true, a new book will be published this week, claiming to reveal the very interesting, hidden secrets of the Obama administration.
You can find them online.
We will discuss it.
Then Senator Rand Paul will join us.
He wants to talk about his father\'s success in the polls.
You see the starting point.
We will be back in a moment. (
Business break)
Welcome back.
This morning is the time to be \"real.
A new book came out this week.
You may have read a little.
This was written by the New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who claimed to have revealed all the hidden secrets of the Obama administration.
Among them, a 2009 Alice in Wonderland tea party with the theme of Halloween, she claimed that the White House felt very different from Hollywood ---
I think the word is, Hello, English. -
Hollywood is full of charm when Americans are in pain, and the White House wants to keep the secret.
This is what she claims in the book.
This was designed by Tim Burton at the same time as his film \"Beyond the top movies\", which was attended by Johnny Depp, the Mad Hatter, in person, the original Chuba card in Star Wars was sent by George Lucas to entertain guests, a grand top party.
So, according to this book, it was written by Jodi Kantor.
Quote \"White House officials are so nervous about how Hollywood is striking --
Without public discussion of the incident, the esque party will look for unemployed Americans.
The contributions of Burton and Depp were not recognized.
\"Well, it\'s not true.
You see--
By Googling, you can find that CNN is covering the party, which is not difficult.
NBC reported the party.
Reuters reported the party.
The Associated Press reported the party.
USA Today reported the party, and the Chicago Sun reported a very, very secret party.
We asked the White House if they were trying to keep a secret and they said, well, it\'s not true.
There is a video of a party on our official White House website.
Look at it.
Johnny Depp\'s fan site has a post about his appearance at the party.
So, at the White House Halloween party with Hollywood celebrities, it\'s no secret to keep it secret.
Maybe it\'s not a secret at all, ma\'am. Kantor.
You may want to be \"real\" at this point \".
Leading at the starting point this morning, Ron Paul Rose in the polls.
Senator Rand Paul, his son, will join us in talking about the success of his father and whether he can stick to it.
Return to the starting point after this. (
Business break)
O\'Brien: You see, we\'re not the only ones who ordered the putter this morning.
Welcome back.
You watch \"starting point\" with soleda O\'Brien.
We started our morning with something very, very healthy, which was their specialty, cheese curd and spicy gravy sauce covered fries.
However, for the next half hour, Senator Rand Paul had breakfast with us.
He will talk to us about these new polls, his father\'s position in the polls, and his plans to chase delegates in Florida.
Also, we will talk to John latzenberg.
You remember he was--
It\'s hard for me to learn English today, Cliff kraverne in cheers.
\"He has an idea for Americans to work in manufacturing.
We will talk to him.
There\'s still a lot to do, though, and first, we\'ll check with CNN\'s Kristin Romans about the updates on some of the other headlines. Hi, Christine.
Christine Roman, cnn business correspondent: Good morning, soleda.
When looking for a missing toddler in Maine this morning, new details emerged.
Ella Reynolds disappeared from her father\'s house last month.
Her grandmother claimed that the family at home that night had nothing to do with Ayla\'s disappearance, but she told CNN that she was not there herself.
Police suspect a foul, but they have no suspects.
Iran reportedly started enriching uranium at a new nuclear facility this morning.
It claims it is immune to any military attack.
The factory will run 3,000 centrifuges.
Iran says another nuclear facility has 8,000 enriched uranium.
Iran claims the nuclear program was designed for medical purposes.
Nearly 100 soldiers were blocked from a military base in Seattle after reports of sensitive military equipment missing.
Including telescopes and night lasers.
Troops returned from Iraq for $2010.
A $10,000 reward is being provided for information that causes the device to recover.
Let\'s go to the market this morning. U. S.
Dow futures rose slightly this morning, and the price of S & P futures is currently flat.
Nasdaq futures rose slightly.
They did swing this morning because today is the first meeting between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the new year.
Optimism about the United StatesS.
After Friday\'s strong jobs report, the US economy is eclipsed at least today by the European debt crisis ---Soledad.
Okay, Christine. thank you very much.
We sit here and chat.
Christine is talking to me. it\'s time to go back to work.
I want to talk about polls this morning.
A new Suffolk University poll just released, and a WHDH poll shows that Ron Paul is winning the support of Mitt Romney.
Romney is really going downhill.
Compared to Ron Paul, 33%, he was 20%.
In addition, there is a survey by an American research team, where Romney is 23 percentage points ahead of their second choice in the survey, with Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul in third place.
Will Kane returns to our group this morning to join us.
He\'s been investigating our breakfast.
Editor-in-chief Ron Brownstein-
Male: There are also voting results.
O\'Brien: poll results and breakfast this morning.
Ron Brownstein of National Magazine, James Mendel, also joined us.
He is a political analyst at MUR, and Maria Cardona is also happy to join us.
She is a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and a Democratic strategist. She\'s in D. C.
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul.
He\'s going to dinner with us.
Sir, please rest assured as I told everyone to dig in the fries covered with spicy gravy and cheese curd.
But it looks like you need help.
Unidentified men: there is only one way to eat, fork and use your hands.
We are all family. Help yourself.
Unidentified male: as long as you take a picture of me.
O\'Brien: Yes, that\'s all it is.
Man: What is this--
When he said help was on the road.
O\'Brien: OK, let\'s talk about the poll numbers and I just threw them away.
But if you look at the situation in New Hampshire over the past few days, your father has gone from 17%, and I\'m talking about Suffolk\'s poll, up to about 20%.
At the same time, you know, Mitt Romney saw a little bit, not a huge slide, but a 39% drop to 33% now.
How do you feel about these polls? SEN. RAND PAUL (R)
Kentucky: You know, I \'ve been surprised by the energy I \'ve seen since I came here.
We got off the plane in Nashua and there were 1,000 people at the airport, mostly young people.
We were in Meredith yesterday.
Everyone in the hotel is not suitable.
The manager of the hotel has received every presidential candidate here in recent years, but has never seen such a large crowd.
We had 100 people in the hallway, and 100 people on the road were still holding the sign that they wouldn\'t let go of the meeting.
So I think there\'s a lot of energy.
I think we are surging.
I think we have a good chance.
So what happens?
Assuming he\'s second place here, you know, but second place, you know, is that something you think is fifth place? P. ?
Done before.
I don\'t know.
We want to win. it\'s better to win than to win second place.
I think that if there is a large number of independent turnout, it is very likely that we will be upset here.
\'In the last two days, all of a sudden, we wanted to convey a message that we wanted to go out and vote, \'said nonpartisan sources.
This is one of the best things about New Hampshire, where independent voters can vote in this primary.
The same is true in Iowa, where we doubled the independent vote from 2008 and we won 3-1.
Governor Romney is also doing a good job with independents here.
But I think if we have a big turnout, we can beat him with no party.
O\'Brien: I ask you.
Your father sponsored 620 bills in Congress for 11 terms, one of which became law.
The line of the Atlantic States.
Paul\'s approach to making the law is especially appropriate, they say.
That kind--
When someone reads this, wow, do you want that person to be president?
Paul: I want to say it\'s not entirely fair.
I have been there for about a year now and I have gone through four or five failed things.
There are no bills yet, but I am mixed together because the rules of the Senate and the House are different.
The house is absolute.
The leader decides what Bill to introduce, what you can talk about, and whether it can be modified.
For example, when Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the house, you do not have amendments and open debates.
She has all kinds of control.
So did the Republicans.
Not just Democrats.
But the structure of the house is much more complicated, and your bill is much more difficult to pass.
My dad\'s point, I think, is that his position is not popular.
People in Washington have lost contact because they have not passed what he has been trying to do.
O\'Brien: But let me ask you a position that I don\'t think might be as popular as you go to South Carolina.
Paul: From the beginning of popularity?
We have limited time.
Paul: Okay.
So, no.
But we can contact you later by phone.
Back in 2004, your father voted against the bill in the house, which celebrated the 40 th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, he said.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not improve race relations or increase freedom.
On the contrary, the forced integration under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has exacerbated racial tensions and weakened individual freedoms.
You know, this civil rights act is commendable for people who don\'t know it, of course, not allowing black discrimination.
Let\'s give you my opinion on this or my opinion.
My parents can\'t. -
My mother is black and my father is white.
They are not allowed to enter the restaurant together because of discrimination.
They were unable to access housing because of discrimination.
PAUL: You say it\'s bad, there are things he doesn\'t support, but I think he would say it\'s bad if he was here, and there are things he doesn\'t support.
But I think Ron Paul-
This is where he is different.
He is an extraordinary person in American politics and may be unique in American politics.
He voted against the gold medal for Theresa\'s mother, but that doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t like what Theresa\'s mother does.
So the problem is a little more complicated than you touch the surface. -
O\'Brien: sometimes the federal government doesn\'t-
PAUL: That\'s why it\'s not for civil liberties.
For example, some things that people care about are unintended consequences.
Those who believe in people very much-
Equal protection under the law and against apartheid, and all those who remain concerned about the loss of property rights ---
He said--
Let me finish.
For example, I can\'t have a cigar bar anymore.
You said it had nothing to do with race.
Whether you control your property or not, it also tells you to come here, I want to know the number of calories, and the calorie Nazis came here to tell me ---
I don\'t think I know.
Paul: I don\'t think you can measure the number of calories there.
This is the point.
This is the point.
This is not everything.
This is not all race relations.
Ultimately control property.
Ron Brownstein, editor-in-chief of the National Magazine: But, Senator, it\'s not the state in the end --
Support for apartheid
What are the key words of state sponsorship.
Before the introduction of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, was the state not using power to infringe on ethnic minorities?
PAUL: Right.
So he chose one right instead of the other?
Not black-and-
Choose the word white.
Paul: But I think the mistake in this kind of thing is that you\'re thinking about a vague question that doesn\'t belong to him.
I don\'t agree.
Let me finish.
No, let me finish. (CROSSTALK)
Paul: for example, if you want to know something about Ron Paul\'s relationship with race, come and meet our staff, come on ---
No, don\'t just shake your head.
O\'Brien: I won\'t let you two sit together.
Let me finish.
The problem is, look at the diversity of our employees and see the diversity of our followers.
Young men and women of every race are more diverse than any other sport.
The other candidates will come forward and say that our current law is not what we talked about in 1964, but because the law is unfairly applied, our current law places a much higher ban on young blacks than on young whites.
Now there is a question of civil liberties. -
O\'Brien: they got these opportunities because of the Civil Rights Act, right?
Paul: There is still a need to address the issue of civil liberties.
Many people think this school choice is a civil rights issue of our time.
We need to provide better schools for people, and our public schools are disappointing people from other ethnic lives and other environments.
So there\'s still a lot to work out right now, but to portray Ron Paul as someone who doesn\'t care about race relations ---
O\'Brien: No, that\'s not what I said.
What I\'m trying to say is trying to understand-
PAUL: You\'re doing this because you\'re struggling with things like this.
O\'Brien: because I think it gives people an insight into the policy of discrimination.
If he wants to be president of the United States, you have to say what he will do in a similar situation, a famous saying in 2004.
I\'m not going back to 1964.
PAUL: What I\'m trying to say is that I \'ve never heard him say that he wants to do anything to overturn anything related to the Civil Rights Act.
You\'re talking about a red fish, but it\'s a real problem.
O\'Brien: I don\'t agree.
PAUL: This is a real problem.
A young black woman in her 30 s was jailed for 37 years for drug use. related crime.
This is her crime.
She took money from her boyfriend\'s house to other drug dealers.
It was a crime. we decided to put her in prison, but it was 37 years?
We have people who live sentences.
These penalties are not proportional to vulnerable groups, mainly Africans.
American community.
O\'BRIEN: He will not support the Civil Rights Act, nor will he support the school\'s removal of apartheid, and he will not support ---
Let me finish my point.
Paul: The biggest problem now is-
Let me finish my point.
Paul: Now the big problem with drugs and imprisonment is a real problem.
O\'Brien: obviously.
We need to change.
O\'Brien: discrimination is a real problem.
This is what it means.
Paul: Another candidate is talking about removing the mandatory minimum.
O\'Brien: Obviously, I\'ll give it to you, sir.
This is a real problem.
O\'Brien: I think it resonated, but I think at the same time, you mean, not talking about discrimination, well, it\'s Trump, because you\'re actually talking about issues that affect Africa.
Americans are out of proportion to others.
But in the end you\'re saying that your father would say today that I\'m not going to be involved in the school\'s apartheid and that I\'m not going to be involved in saying a restaurant like this ---
Paul: if we run in 1964, it will be an issue that we will discuss.
Nobody is talking about this except you.
You brought up something 40 years ago.
No, this is 2004. This is --
Paul: Ron Paul is not interested in change.
Ron Paul is the only candidate on the Republican stage who will really do something to eliminate the current imbalance and other things ---
In South Carolina, there will be--
Ron Paul is the only candidate on stage who will really do something to eliminate discrimination in our laws.
That\'s what you need to talk about.
Will Kane, columnist for the fire: By the way, Ron Paul doesn\'t want to be involved in school apartheid, which is wrong.
Ron Paul and Rand Paul\'s position on the issue of private property rights in the 64 Civil Rights Act, I have to say ---
O\'Brien: Yes, but if you say no to the Civil Rights Act, you also say no to the removal of the school\'s apartheid.
Kane: This conversation is very sharp because-
O\'Brien: you can\'t say the conversation is not--
Kane: This is because racism is diluted compared to talking about private property.
Ron Paul--
O\'Brien: but in this particular place, the Civil Rights Act actually overlaps both discrimination and private property.
Kane: Ron Paul does have some controversial points that seem to limit his support.
For example, there are many who believe that Ron Paul is the only advocate of constitutional, small government, freedom and individualism.
But I have to ask you, Senator Paul.
He sees these points as logical conclusions, such as the legalization of drugs, the abolition of the Federal Reserve, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, not just Afghanistan, but South Korea, Japan, and Germany.
For many people-(CROSSTALK)--deal killers.
Are these not deal killers for your and your father\'s support?
He\'s my dad, okay? (LAUGHTER)
Paul: But what I want to say is that everything is different.
I don\'t want to do this, for example, but I will go back to the Civil Rights Act.
I would have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
But I still have some doubts about what it did in the past. -
O\'Brien: You\'re not the only one in retrospect. -
For example, we are in this restaurant now. Do you want --
In fact, everyone can be armed.
But let\'s assume the owner of the restaurant wants the weapons here.
Can the restaurant owner say I don\'t want weapons here?
I have a bar where people drink and I don\'t want people to have weapons here.
Are you allowed to say that?
You are not because we have developed the situation where everyone thinks you do not own this restaurant.
This is a public place.
It is owned by the public. It isn\'t.
Who is the owner of this restaurant.
If they don\'t want a gun--
I\'m a professional shooter. -
But they should be able to say they can make rules.
This is the landslide we are worried about. (CROSSTALK)
Stop, stop, stop. (CROSSTALK)
O\'Brien: because we have to go to commercial advertising, we have to study French fries in depth. -
Is the person who pays the bill.
We have to go to the commercial.
I would like to thank our team members.
Of course, Senator, thank you for coming. -
Paul: Thank you.
O\'BRIEN: --
Join our conversation.
We appreciate it.
There are a lot of things to talk about.
The Iranian president is visiting Latin America.
As Iran says, it is taking another step in its nuclear program.
Let\'s talk about what happened there later. (
Business break)
O\'Brien: We have a few breaking news from Iran.
Welcome back.
Iran now claims to have started enriching uranium at a new nuclear facility.
Tehran claims it\'s for medical use.
The news comes as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in contact with some outspoken critics of the United States next door to Venezuela.
He is already there this morning and he will also be traveling to Nicaragua.
He\'s going to Cuba.
He\'s going to Ecuador.
Julie Swanger is from the Committee on Foreign Relations.
She lives with us in Washington, D. C. C. this morning.
Kristin Roman is broadcasting to us in Atlanta.
Christine, we\'ll find you in a minute.
Julie, let\'s start with you.
The focus of this meeting is to send a message to the real United States. S.
All these countries that Ahmadinejad met--
We are not only friends, but also economic partners.
Julie swinger, Foreign Relations Commission: I think the economic information is important, soleda.
Over the past five or 10 years or so, Latin America has diversified its trade and investment portfolios in the ideological sphere.
So, from the perspective of Latin American countries, this visit shows that this part of the region is independent of the United States.
For Iran, the economic partnership is also an aspect of the visit.
I will not exaggerate the case, though.
O\'Brien: I wanted to ask you.
When you see the promised investment, a port in Nicaragua ---didn\'t happen.
Ecuador refinery-didn\'t happen.
How much is just a conversation and P. R.
How much support did he actually get from the Latin American people?
Craig: I think, you know, he\'s been there every two years or so since 2005.
And there is always a big gap between the words of commitment.
Scale investment and what is actually delivered.
I think it\'s domestic consumption in his own country to show that despite the sanctions, despite the U. N.
Resolutions along these lines.
In general, he does not have much political Foundation in Latin America.
O\'Brien: Christine, I know that every time we talk about Iran, a lot of the conversations are, how much we have to pay for oil, how much we have to pay for gasoline.
Soledad, you \'ve seen gas and oil prices go up.
The reason is that although Iran\'s threat of force may be just a threat of force, 40% of the world\'s oil trade in the Strait of Hormuz passes through the Iranian coastline.
When Iran says it might shut it down, you get upset even if the conversation starts to penetrate into the oil market.
As a result, there is little growth in the world economy and almost no growth in Europe. S.
Just growth could be 2%, 2.
5%, which usually means that oil prices fall when you don\'t have strong concerns.
Concerns about Iran, 40% of the world\'s oil deals go through the Strait of Hormuz, which means you will pay more in the oil deal.
You know, the finance minister is now in soleda, Asia.
They have so many different meetings.
That\'s on the agenda, you can be sure.
Iran speaks to our neighbors in our backyard.
What China will do, what Japan will do, what others will do, what the US will doS.
Because of Iran\'s nuclear program, pressure on them to isolate Iran.
All this still means that the oil market will be even more tense.
This means that you will pay more on the pump.
All the way from the Strait of Hormuz to your service station soleda.
They\'re connected.
O\'Brien: Sorry.
Christine Roman for gas prices and our Julia Swanger-
A member of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Thank you both for being with us.
This morning, you may remember that he was the cliff in cheers, and John latzenberg is now an outspoken advocate of American manufacturing.
He believes veterans are the key to bringing the American army back to life. S. industry.
We talk to him directly. (
Business break)(SINGING)
O\'Brien: latest employment report-
Shushi, a member of the group. Shush, working.
God, I have to slow these guys down.
The latest employment report to talk about.
23,000 jobs in US manufacturingS.
Manufacturing jobs were added in December.
Despite new figures, the industry is still in the long runterm decline.
We invited actor John latzenberg to join us.
He is an outspoken advocate of American manufacturing.
He was in New York this morning.
Nice to meet you.
When you look at some data, the good news is of course 23,000 jobs in manufacturing.
The bad news is that many of them are very low-key. wage jobs.
They\'re not that high-wage jobs.
How did you grow up? wage jobs?
Actor and most of the shows John latzenberg: Well, that\'s what we have on most shows.
Mobile development skills training.
We are equipped with trailers and buses as classrooms and in fact we can provide job security for veterans.
Soledad, what has happened in the last 30 years is that we have canceled vocational training at the school.
Today, there are thousands of jobs in manufacturing, but the problem is that children do not have the ability to read a ruler when they graduate from high school.
That\'s where we came in. We step in.
We went to the manufacturer and we said, what do you need?
Do you need CNC machine tool operators?
Need a welder?
Do you need a lathe operator?
Then we configure our program according to the needs of the manufacturer.
But we brought the classroom directly into the manufacturer\'s parking lot.
So when the students come in-(CROSSTALK)
I\'m sorry.
Say that again.
O\'Brien: Well, I just wanted to ask you, you know, I think the conventional wisdom of today tells a lot of students, look, you need College.
Day in the middle-
Class life and middle class
When you are not in college, the classroom is no longer there.
That\'s the past.
Isn\'t that true?
You think you can train people--(CROSSTALK)
RATZENBERGER: Well, it\'s right.
I recently gave a speech to a high school. I asked what everyone was doing after graduating from high school and who was going to college.
Everyone raised their hands except one person.
He is studying automobile machinery.
Everyone laughed at him.
I say it is interesting because at the end of four years he will have his own house while the rest of you are waiting to pay back the table for the university degree.
Last year, we received more degrees, and the degree in sports management was twice that of engineering.
I do this because the power of the US is manufacturing.
There is no way around it.
We are manufacturers.
We make things.
We invented things.
What we innovate.
This is what you sell.
That\'s why Wall Street exists because someone gets up in the morning and puts the nuts and bolts together.
We are losing it.
We lost it because--(CROSSTALK)
Latzenberg :--
We have not trained.
We made them more interested in becoming a sports manager than engineers.
O\'Brien: John latzenberg is our \"celebrity career\" this morning \".
Thank you for talking with us about what your passion is. Appreciate it.
Still ahead at the starting point this morning, even more ahead in the New Hampshire primary.
We are only 35 hours away. (LAUGHTER)
Now we\'re counting down.
In addition, exclusive-on-
As we like to say, my hero, the Queen of souls, Aretha Franklin.
I asked her about music.
I asked her about getting married.
I asked her about her father.
She won the prize on his behalf.
We will discuss all this directly. Stay with us. (
Business break)
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