
elon musk just posted a bunch of pictures of his tunnel and \'boring\' equipment

by:Gewinn     2019-08-14
Elon Musk has begun digging in Los Angeles.
The entrepreneur released a few photos Friday of equipment intended to dig underground tunnels in Los Angeles.
The project is one of Musk\'s latest projects, inspired by the desire to ease \"out of control\" traffic in Los Angeles.
His goal is to first dig a tunnel from the SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California to the nearby Los Angeles airport.
Musk often flies from Los Angeles to the San Francisco area, where he runs Tesla (TSLA).
Eventually, he envisioned a deep, multi-story network of underground tunnels across the city.
Musk discussed the concept in depth in a recent TED talk.
Since Musk started his project, questions have surfaced about whether he has even been able to obtain the licenses needed to achieve his vision.
Below is a picture of the boring machine section where SpaceX starts the tunnel and is falling.
The front view of the tunnel.
Interior view of the tunnel: a picture of the front of the rig that will pass through the underground rock.
Musk wants to \"increase its rotation speed by 10 times or more \".
The video below shows a version of the \"skateboard\" that will pass the car through the tunnel at 125 miles per hour.
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