
German hackers use laser technology to crack iPhone 5S fingerprint recognition technology

by:Gewinn     2022-05-18
The German hacker group said it took just over a week to break into Apple's fingerprint reader. On Sunday, the Berlin-based hacker group Chaos Computer Club (CCC) announced that they had compromised the iPhone 5S fingerprint reader two days after the product was released. CCC said in a statement on its website: 'With the fingerprint of the mobile phone user and the photo taken on the glass screen, a fake fingerprint can be made and then unlocked through TouchID. This once again proves that fingerprint biometric technology is not suitable as an access method and should be avoided. The video released by CCC shows: first register on the mobile phone with the index finger, and then stain the middle finger with latex, the latex has a deceptive index finger fingerprint, and it only takes a few seconds to deceive the mobile phone into the system. The following is the cracking process: First, the fingerprint of the registered user is photographed with a resolution of 2400dpi. Process the image, flip it, print it with a laser printer at 1200dpi, and it's printed on a transparent plate that is heavily coated with toner. At this point, the toner on the transparent plate draws the fingerprint, and then latex or wood glue is applied to the fingerprint image. Finally, the thin layer of latex is detached from the transparent plate, blow air into the latex layer to make it slightly damp, and place it on the sensor to unlock the phone. The CCC said their approach is similar to that used by the Starbug group 10 years ago, the only difference being that the Apple Reader requires a higher resolution image. Hackers have been raising money to reward crackers since Wednesday night, and are currently approaching $20,000. On the IsTouchIDHackedYet website, the original status was 'can'tApple has not responded to the matter so far.
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