
Germany's Miller Wengarten accuses Chinese workers of being industrial espionage

by:Gewinn     2022-05-19
According to a report by the Deutsche Welle website on the 9th, citing the 'Swabian Dailyespionage'. Miller Wingarten Company was founded in 1863 and has subsidiaries in China and other countries. Apfer, a spokesman for Miller Wingarten, told the Swabian Daily that the Chinese had worked at the company as a technician for two and a half years. This summer, they found that he was frequently 'going into areas of material that had nothing to do with his field of work and downloading materials.' 'As for whether he sent the downloaded materials back to China, it is hard to say.' 'But he often flew back to China.' Now, the Chinese mechanic has been fired from the company. 'We don't know his current address,' Apfel said. The newspaper reporter asked why the spy needed all the design data? Can't you just buy a machine and copy it? In this regard, Apfel said that in principle, it is possible. China has also copied their machines, but their pressure processing equipment is now operated with high computer technology, and these high technologies are difficult to do without specific information. Imitated, 'This kind of precision is not yet possible in China. This is an advantage that the German factory is fortunate to have.' Germany's 'Focus' weekly said that Germany should strictly guard against Chinese employees. The German 'Daily News' questioned, since it claimed to have evidence before, why did the company report it until now? A Chinese engineer from Siemens said that the German manufacturing industry has been greatly affected by the Chinese manufacturing industry. If the only technological advantage is lost, it will be even more difficult for the Germans. Therefore, some companies often use the so-called 'Chinese spies' to talk about things, but in fact there is no conclusive evidence, and they just take the opportunity to 'vent their anger'.
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