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introduction of an empirical tbm cutter wear prediction model for pyroclastic and mafic igneous rocks; a case history of karaj water conveyance tunnel, iran
One of the main cost items of tunnel works using tunnel rigs (TBMs)
The cost of replacing damaged or worn knives in rocks and soil.
Tool replacement is a time-consuming activity that has a significant impact on the daily advance rate (AR)
Therefore, regarding the time and cost of the construction of the tunnel.
To accurately estimate the performance of tunnel rock concrete and the associated completion time and cost, a reliable evaluation of disk-shaped tool wear is required using appropriate methods.
This study presents a new empirical model, based on data collected from a long tunnel constructed mechanized in Iran, predicting tool wear in very strong volcanic debris and base Rock
This includes on-site data for the Karaj water delivery tunnel project, including monitoring and analysis of tool wear, geological parameters and operational data.
The field data compiled in the database is statistically analyzed to develop the relationship between disc cutter life and geological parameters.
The analysis results show that there is a reasonable correlation between complete rock parameters and tool wear.
An empirical equation for predicting disk-shaped tool wear under similar geological conditions is proposed.
These equations were developed based on data ranging from very massive to massive volcanic debris and massive to large basic magma rocks, with UCS ranging from 30 to more than 150. MPa.
The cost of replacing damaged or worn knives in rocks and soil.
Tool replacement is a time-consuming activity that has a significant impact on the daily advance rate (AR)
Therefore, regarding the time and cost of the construction of the tunnel.
To accurately estimate the performance of tunnel rock concrete and the associated completion time and cost, a reliable evaluation of disk-shaped tool wear is required using appropriate methods.
This study presents a new empirical model, based on data collected from a long tunnel constructed mechanized in Iran, predicting tool wear in very strong volcanic debris and base Rock
This includes on-site data for the Karaj water delivery tunnel project, including monitoring and analysis of tool wear, geological parameters and operational data.
The field data compiled in the database is statistically analyzed to develop the relationship between disc cutter life and geological parameters.
The analysis results show that there is a reasonable correlation between complete rock parameters and tool wear.
An empirical equation for predicting disk-shaped tool wear under similar geological conditions is proposed.
These equations were developed based on data ranging from very massive to massive volcanic debris and massive to large basic magma rocks, with UCS ranging from 30 to more than 150. MPa.
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