
massive boring machine ‘big becky’ emerges from under niagara falls

by:Gewinn     2019-08-22
Ontario\'s biggest-and most expensive-new holes on the ground have finally become tunnels.
Becky, 4,000.
10 tons of boring machines have been chewed.
Shortly after noon on Friday, the two-kilometer-long rock of Niagara Falls finally dawned above the falls.
She was welcomed by Prime Minister Dalton McGinty, on the one hand to promote his government\'s commitment to clean renewable energy, although the project was two years late and cost $1.
6 billion, not $0. 985 billion in the budget.
She was also welcomed by dozens of men and women working in the tunnel, who drove Becky forward and paved the tunnel with smooth concrete.
Chris Campbell, a local like Niagara Falls, is excited to see the project work.
\"There is light at the end of the tunnel,\" Campbell said . \".
\"Today is a big day.
He stared at McGinty and other dignitaries and said: \"How big is this project actually.
Actually, it\'s really big. The 10.
The tunnel is 14 kilometers long.
4 m in diameter.
Becky had a meal.
To achieve her goal, there are 6 million cubic meters of rock here.
That\'s enough to fill the Rogers Center in Toronto, officials say.
The cement used in the tunnel will build a sidewalk extending from Windsor to Quebec City.
Due to the narrow tunnel, hundreds of invited VIPs watched Becky cross the final rock barrier on a huge screen, and its image darkened by the bright sun.
A stone, as the working end of the machine finally appeared, more and more people disappeared --
A large rotating hemisphere with diamonds
A hard tool protruding from the surface.
Despite the excitement of the day, nagging questions about the high cost
Can\'t run away.
Because Becky had an unexpected situation, the project took longer and the cost was higher.
She was designed to go through solid rocks, but came across a loose and broken piece of material that was not suitable for tunneling.
This forced a long and expensive detour.
But if critics chatter about the cost of a free government green energy project --
Conservative Leader Tim Hudak has taken the blame on them.
McGuinty doesn\'t have it at all.
\"Yes, some of these prices are not easy,\" McGuinty said . \".
\"But it\'s not easy for our parents and grandparents to build our original power system, build our schools, and build our roads.
\"But they did it because they were builders. And so are we.
McGuinty shrugged off cost overruns, pointing out that once the tunnel was operational in 2013, its life expectancy was 100.
\"When you spread the cost to more than 100 --
The project has been going on for a year and it hasn\'t gotten better in terms of the power we have here, \"he said.
\"When you compare the options we have, nothing is easy and nothing is free,\" he said . \".
\"The investment is worth it.
McGuinty boasted, \"Projects like tunnels will put Ontario at the forefront of clean energy technology and create tens of thousands of jobs in the province, he may be bashing the claim in the upcoming campaign.
However, many workers are immersed in the glory of this achievement and no longer engage in political quarrels.
A worker wearing a helmet and boots did not want to be named, noting that the staff actually punched --
A few weeks ago, the gauge gap passed through the last wall, allowing the staff to enjoy the feeling that the air finally poured out in the new tunnel.
\"It\'s all a show, right? ” he said.
He said the workers planned to hold their own party on Friday night in a hall in Niagara Falls, a real celebration.
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