
obama’s trip to india marks major gains for u.s. companies

by:Gewinn     2019-08-31
The White House announced the highlights of India on Saturday-U. S.
Trade deals over $14.
Total value 9 billion.
The statement is part of the Obama administration\'s national export plan.
US exports within five years
The president of the United States called India a major market in the United States. S.
These transactions will benefit large companies and small and medium-sized companies to a large extent.
Large enterprises in the United StatesS. Most of the U.
S. companies have completed deals with Indian Ministries and private companies, which in turn will support an estimated 53,670 U. S.
Work and results for $9.
5 billion export business.
Boeing and the Indian air force (IAF)
Preliminary agreement has been reached on the purchase of 10c-
The Globemaster III military transport aircraft is currently finalizing the details of the sale.
After the aircraft is delivered, the Indian air force will be the operator of the C-largest fleet
17 years outside the United StatesS.
Delivery per C-
17 650 suppliers supporting the United StatesS.
The deal will also support Boeing\'s C-
17 production plants in Long Beach, California for a full year.
The company and SpiceJet also reached an agreement to sell 30 B737-
800 commercial aircraft
GE was chosen to negotiate a contract to provide 107 F414 engines for the Air India Development Agency, installed on Tejas light fighter jets.
The company\'s facilities in the United States will be able to export nearly $1 billion in high-tech aerospace products after the deal is completed.
The company has also served 2,500 of its six advanced classes of 9FA gas turbines and three gas turbines-
Megawatt Samalkot power plant to be built by Reliance Power Co. , Ltd. .
The Ministry of Railways announced the choice of the only two bidders
GE transport (
Erie, Pennsylvania)and Electro-Motive Diesel (
Lagoons in Illinois)—
To build 1,000 diesel locomotives in 10 years.
Estimated United StatesS.
The content of the contract is expected to exceed $1 billion. L-
1 Identity Solution and another USS. -
The headquarters company leads two of the three supplier consortia, which are selected by the only Indian identity certification body in the first phase of the registration work. Harley-
Davidson motors will open a new factory in India for assembling motorcycles from the United StatesS. -
\"Knock completely-down” kits.
This will enable the company to ease the tariff burden on the Indian market.
Palantir Technologies, a small software development company in Silicon Valley, announced a strategic cooperation agreement with police in Maharashtra. Palantir’s end-to-
The final analysis software platform will be used to identify security threats on a trial basis.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States announced a memorandum of understanding with Reliance Power Co. , Ltd. , saying it is willing to provide up to $5 billion in funds for the purchase of US Treasury bonds. S.
Goods and services.
The bank also announced approval for more than $0. 9 billion in export financing guarantees to Shashan Electric Power Co. , Ltd.
Subsidiary of Reliance Power Co. , Ltd.
Support sales in the United StatesS.
Mining equipment and services related to 3,960-megawatt coal-
Shashan power plant opened in central state
Robins, based in Solon, Ohio, will provide tunnels-
Drilling rigs, conveying equipment and related technical services for the construction of tunnels to supply water to Mumbai.
The company has reached an agreement with UNITY-IVRCL.
Duke Medicine in Durham, North Carolina and Medanta medicine in Gurgaon, Haryana state, will announce a joint venture agreement to launch the MDRI, a proofof-
Conceptual clinical research institutions within Medanta hospital.
Duke Medical will also work with the jubilant life sciences company based in Uttar Pradesh to conduct research and cooperation
Development of discovery using large amounts of funds and internal resources
The goodwill support provided by huanteng.
Other major companies getting major deals from India are SPX communications technology, Spain Crete machinery, Intuit, advanced materials, implant science, Bell Helicopter, skel White House in the press release say, noveda technologies and Ellicot Dredges.
According to the release, between 2002 and 2009, the U. S.
Exports to India have quadrupled from $4.
$1 billion to over $16. 4 billion.
In the first eight months of 2010S.
Exports to India totaled $12.
7 billion, up from the same period in 2009.
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