What are the main woodworking machinery recycling sales, 2015

by:Gewinn     2020-09-27
The 15th China shunde ( Lunjiao) International woodworking machinery exhibition opening, more than 300 domestic and international woodworking machinery enterprise competing bloom. As custom furniture look in recent years, numerical control custom furniture woodworking machinery equipment industry to be bestowed favor on newly.

2013, shunde Chang sheng machinery co. , LTD started to develop custom furniture related equipment, released this exhibition information custom furniture production mode. Guangdong hao woodworking machinery co. , LTD. , the many new products are on display this year are for customized furniture.

equipment abroad despite the high price, but still get the size of the custom furniture enterprises. Cape Howe Wang Linbo sales deputy manager, said foreign equipment more advantage in accuracy and speed, the domestic well-known custom furniture brand, such as beauty of enterprises are purchasing foreign custom furniture woodworking machinery equipment.

this year continuation of last year, the exhibition & other; Intelligence, accuracy, furniture and equipment automation & throughout; Theme, lunjiao woodworking machinery industry are deep into & other; CNC age & throughout; 。

Yu Shenghua said, rising labor costs is one of the bottleneck of the furniture enterprises, as the upstream enterprise must reduce labor costs. Chang fill out information customization furniture production pattern, not only save half the workforce, also make the error rate from 9. 6% to 2%, reduce at least 1 million yuan for the error.

exhibition tuan lian hong hui machinery manufacturing co. , LTD. This year also with intelligent mechanical equipment exported to Vietnam and other countries for the first time. The enterprise department director, says Mr Guo domestic nc equipment cost-effective, favored by many emerging countries in furniture enterprises.

on the same day, the second south China high-end equipment auto parts fair and south China CNC equipment exhibition opens in south China machinery city. Contains over 400 enterprises, the basic mechanical equipment in the field of main components, provide the perfect supporting service for machinery and equipment industry.

market prospects for next year, as bullish on the real estate market growth, most of the respondents generally optimistic state of mind. Shunde Chang sheng machinery co. , LTD. , general manager of sales Yu Shenghua said, in September this year real estate began to relax, next year is expected to rise, which will drive the custom furniture sales growth, wood machine equipment sales is expected to grow by more than 30% next year.

than traditional furniture, custom furniture with tailored, easy tear open outfit, personality is distinct advantages, not only conforms to the real estate development train of thought of the mainly small and medium-sized family, more important is to cater to young consumers demand for personalization.

at present, the custom furniture accounted for around 10% of the furniture market. Take a fancy to the potential of custom furniture, a lot of woodworking machinery enterprises to develop the corresponding nc equipment or production line. At the scene of the exhibition, it hit & other; Make custom furniture production more simple & throughout; 、“ Professional custom furniture solutions & throughout; Slogans such as.
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