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computer advances drive panel saws forward.


                                                                                   The panel saw shown on IWF \'96 looks much like two or even four years ago, but continuous improvements in computer control make them superior in use and functionality. User-friendly.
This is one of the most overused words in modern English vocabulary, but it is still very appropriate to describe the reasons for driving the development of panel saws to increase productivity, flexibility and operability.
In preparation for this article, WOOD & wood products investigated the representative of leading panel manufacturers and distributors for the latest improvements.
The information contained here is mainly based on answers to the following two questions: 1.
What do you think is the most important new development trend in panel size since IWF \'94? 2.
Can you give an example of how this development affects the manufacturer of wood products?
Since 1994 International Woodworking machinery and furniture supply Expo, the key advances noted by a dozen respondents have become increasingly apparent, including: * moving from proprietary control to ibm pc-
Compatible systems for many panel saw manufacturers.
* Use the download feature from office to office more.
* Better use of optimization software including smallercut-to-Size operation.
* Increased opportunities to form machine work units using barcode labels.
* On-development
Line diagnosis.
Standardized controllers \"the most important trend I \'ve noticed is the industry moving towards a standardized computer environment,\" said Doug Armitage, a United power machinery application engineer in New Jersey.
\"There is almost no reservation --outs to the PC-
The key of the computer-based saw control and operation interface.
Saw manufacturers are trying to make the operation of saw computers more effective in larger workplace networks.
Stephen Bailey, sales engineer at Sherin America
NC ofRaleigh also highlights the importance of the \"non-proprietary nature of the computer\" used for many panel saws today.
The new computer is trulyIBM-
Compatible with features such as floppy drives, hard drives, and expansion slots for adding networks or ads
Traditional serial card.
Anyonefamiliar for DOS version 6.
22 and the desktop computer can walk to saw, it is easy to understand the operating system and hardware.
Its advantage is a very flexible operating system and hardware assembly that can be replaced from parts purchased in the local computer store.
\"John Mullins, vice president of sales and marketing at Gibbon Americas
Norcross of GA said, \"factory layer integration through IBMcompatible PC-
Solution-based solutions offer the greatest hope for today\'s panel machining manufacturers.
PC solutions have huge advantages today and in the future.
Because PC is the world
Broad computer industry standards, this technology will never be (saw)manufacturers.
\"So the PC system will always be two non-
Can be upgraded. . . .
This technology will prevent advances in control technology from making machines that were originally productive obsolete.
\"The hardware will always be able to upgrade, and the software upgrade is as simple as loading a new set of files through a floppy disk or mobile transfer,\" Linss said . \".
Download information from Holz national sales manager PCRichard Hannigan-Her U. S. Inc.
NC of charlotte is one of several respondents who noticed that more and more panel saw users are taking advantage of the ability to download cutting instructions from office PCs.
\"Data related to work information, cutting lists and optimization can be entered into the PC of the office and directly via disk or on-
\"Look at the saw in line at the factory,\" Hannigan said . \".
\"Huge software development has been carried out, which makes the process easier and more flexible than in previous years. . . .
Run the scan in small batches via computer input, optimize and cut in a very short time without wasting labor or materials.
\"The current software on the market will also allow owners to track the running time, redundancy time and material flow of the machine, which will have a direct impact on efficiency and profitability.
I expect significant developments in software and saw technology to continue over the next five years, and will also bring some of this technology to small stores using vertical and sliding table saw machines, Hannigan said.
William Pitt, vice president and general manager of HolzmaU. S. , Div.
Stiles Machinery Co. , Ltd.
He said the telephone modem provided the company with an opportunity to send information to the panel from the remote communication.
He gave an example of a client who sent Cutting instructions to the saw in the factory.
The via modem is connected to his laptop while traveling.
Rusty Denson, product manager, said that for those who saw no modem connection, there is an alternative to sending Cutting instructions from a distance-
Panel processing for GA Duluth SCMI.
\"We work with a client with five remote facilities that complete all programming from one facility.
They downloaded the cutting instructions for each plant to disk and sent them to each plant via overnight mail.
\"With the increased acceptance of office computers in the woodworking industry, coupled with the increase in raw material costs, more and more morepanel has seen users integrate optimization software into their operations to reduce
Mike Hawkins, IMA sales coordinator
European woodworking machinery at NC Frankfurt said: \"Not long ago, the focus was on the ability of the saw.
The size of the blackboard is synonymous.
It seems that what most people are talking about is the number and speed at which the saw can cut the panel pattern.
\"Since IWF \'94, most of the customers we deal with have begun to understand more fully that capacity is just one element of the process.
\"Now, we see a renewed focus on optimization, and more importantly, on the cutting post-processing panel,\" Hawkins said . \".
\"It\'s becoming more and more obvious that even medium-sized companies are using optimization software in some cases,\" said Cahir McCoole, vice president of sales at Hendrick RWH Ind . \". Inc. of Salem, MA.
\"Two or three years ago, the software was very expensive and was out of reach for many smaller stores.
It\'s a lot cheaper today, so they can see the value of it.
Also, because most programs are Windows-
They are easier to achieve through their use.
\"Use Low companies
\"Cost materials and repeated cuts of the same type may abandon the optimization software,\" Mccoole added . \".
\"But if you\'re going to deal with more precious materials like plastic, laminate or solid surface materials, it\'s worth spending more time verifying the best way to increase profit margins by reducing waste.
\"The use of optimized software continues the trend that really rose about three years ago,\" Denson said . \".
\"Not many of the beamsee customers we talked to asked at least about the optimization package.
\"In addition to adjusting the optimized software to improve efficiency, Dane Stafford, vice president of sales and marketing, Colonial SawCoInc.
Mr.  Ma said that Kingston \"pays more attention to manufacturing flexibility, especially in terms of JIT delivery panel inventory and reduction of ore inventory --cut panels.
Cable manufacturers, in particular, have been streamlining and more accountable operations to optimize material and human investment.
\"Barcode coding and other forms of printed labels used for part identification are more common in manufacturing plants in Northerners.
However, the concept of using barcodes to facilitate networking of machines with work units is becoming increasingly unfamiliar to more advanced North American woodworking operations.
\"Panel saw has become a more important part of factory production.
It is no longer seen as a machine that only cuts parts, \"said Larry tobbert, technical support manager for Richard T.
Bynes, PA, West Chester.
\"More data is passed through the panel saw to other operations.
This is usually done by printing labels on the saw every time partis is cut.
These labels generally contain data about the part itself, as well as other data needed for machines that process parts in other areas of the plant.
\"A good example is apoint-to-
\"Point the machine to run a specific part,\" added Tolbert . \".
\"This information is passed to the panel saw and then the barcode is printed on the label when cutting the part.
This barcode not only identifies the program to run, but also indicates the point-to-
Which field to run the part to on the machine.
Pete said, \"The manufacturing concept of panel saws and dots --to-
Point sends processing instructions from the same software, and then the two machines actually pass through the real-
The time base has been a major breakthrough since IWF 94. The on-
The line label printing system ensures that the correct information is linked to the correct part, and uses the barcode to recall the correct processing mode from memory, ensuring that the set-
At this point in timeto-
Not only is there no mistake, but it is transparent.
Pitt added: \"Other benefits of this work unit concept include improving the feasibility of running small batches efficiently and profitably, shortening the working turnaround time and making the manufacturer more responsible for the customer\'s requirements.
\"All in all, the manufacturing unit is a great solution to the \'90\' manufacturing needs,\" he said . \".
The concept of this bar code/work unit can be extended to include other types of machines such as edgeband, Hannigan said.
Randy Jamison, Selco product manager at NC Charlotte Bisse USA, said that the bar code label for part identification, production planning software and statistics from the saw \"are no longer magical and mysterious components of the panel saw.
Most of these tools have been in existence for many years and have been well adjusted and simplified.
These tools have become a normal part of all group discussions.
\"Although today\'s panel saw contains materials that are advanced in engineering and require low maintenance or do not require maintenance, which helps to improve the life of asaw, the machine will still have poor functionality due to heavy use.
Fortunately, at least for companies that have the ability to buy --of-
Line models, computer diagnostics, and the ability to get help from saw manufacturers through modems help minimize expensive downtime and service calls.
\"Reliability and enhanced diagnostic capabilities have always existed,\" Jamison said.
\"This is mainly due to more and more advanced control technology and continuous development.
The growing maturity of end users.
\"Trouble shooting is no longer a tedious process,\" Jamison added . \". \"The on-
Even the most immature users can diagnose and repair the machine effectively through line diagnosis.
\"The result of these and other improvements is\" increased time and machine utilization, \"he said.  \".
Other developments point out to many panel saw manufacturers that while the panel saw itself has not changed significantly over the past two years, important software development still enables users to achieve higher productivity from the saw.
\"Armitagesaid\" software has been improved in all aspects, from software packages that are easy to optimize to special performance programs that monitor machine output during production.
Several of the best mechanical advances I \'ve noticed are direct results of more flexible control integration, helping to set up machines more precisely in a wider range of applications.
These include digital blade heights that allow slotting to 0 at different depths.
1mm accuracy, no need to set manually, and automatically change the speed of the blade, transportation feed speed, program fence speed and blade projection according to the type of material selected by the operator from the screen menu.
\"On the other hand, Hans Mason, product manager at AltendorfAmerica, Grand Rapids, Michigan, observed that small beam saws were provided at a\" relatively low price \",\" for stores with up to 20 employees, this makes it easier to make the cost reasonable.
\"The business growth initiatives that are not typical are from table saws to saw beams.
Lower cost, smaller footprint, stores can \"upgrade\" to abeam faster than they did a few years ago.
\"The future of panel processing is bright,\" said Linss . \"
\"True automation systems are available for those visual manufacturers, which provides a huge opportunity for flexibility and control.
Today, panels can be fully processed through a variety of machines, using centralized control without human intervention from the plant workshop.
The result is a real, efficient and profitable integration between the front desk and the factory.
\"The panel saws available below horizontal beams, sliding tables and vertical facing panel saws represent an overview of recent market introductions.
In fact, almost all of these machines are on display at the International Woodworking machinery and furniture supply exhibition held in August. 22-25 in Atlanta.
Circle the right numbers (s)
Please pay attention to this issue regarding Reader service to receive more information.
For a more comprehensive selection of panel size measuring equipment, please refer to the wood and wood products 1996 Red Book Buyer\'s Guide.
Horizontal Beam saw by American company
Provides a wide range of single-line and angle panel size measurement systems.
Saw including sprismatic 301 uses G-
Drive Control System, use-
Compatible technology.
Features include non
Proprietary, scalable control system, emergency use of standard office PCas controllers, real-time
Time graphics and diagnostics, operator-
The possibility of training, as well as various opportunities for machine and software integration. GibenOn-
The service and diagnostic system Line of Gigen provides trouble shooting through modem communication from the service office of Gigen to the customer machine.
Circle295 Mayer PS 2 and PS 9 computerized panel machines are fully automated and programmable to provide automatic adjustment of window cutting, saw blade speed according to material type, slotting and cutting or other special manufacturing operations
IPC is used for all saws
5100 andMayerware, 80486-
Windows-based software packages, including real-
Time cutting graphics.
Companies that distribute and provide services in Mayr ForceMachinery
Circle 296 Selco before the introduction of the EB 110 Series-
Mount panel saw available from Biesse America.
EB series offers 1/2-in.
Cutting height, CNC machine control and on-
Line label function.
AC servo motor and rackand-
The gear drive of the positioning fence is one of the features.
Circle of Holzma-297U. S. , Div.
Stiles Machinery Co. , Ltd.
HPP 22 panel saw is available.
It is available in front
Automatic Reload-
Loading and angular system configuration.
The characteristic of HPP 22 is 5. 4-in.
Blade exposure up to 40 degrees
Hp main saw motor and fence positioning feed for 230 fpm (
Forward and back)
Saw a return trip of 330 fpm.
There are three basic configurations for the Schelling FL panel saw: manual feeding, automatic feeding, and vacuum feeding.
See a10-ft and 12-
Ft capacity and 5-in. cutting height.
Other features include friction-free tape encoder systems and IBM-
Computer compatible. Circle 299 IMA-
The Anthon horizontal panel saw provided by European woodworking company ranges from 4-in.
Cutting height and cutting speed of 32 fpm with 8-in.
Cutting height and speed of 100 fpm. Larger, custom-
The installation of the design provides a wide range of options for the feeding system, scoring system, blade diameter and cutting motor horsepower.
300 circle Scheer PA5000 series automatic panel saw from Richard T. Byrnes Inc.
Durable casting
Hacksaw trolley guided by precision linear bearings, capable of 4-in. stack cutting.
Including the length of the trip, sawheight, speed (
Up to 70 m/min)
And score on/off.
The machine can be pre-loaded, equipped with optional rear loading, and can also be provided as an angle system.
IBM-486/25 mhz
A compatible PC with an 80 mb hard drive runs the machine program while Siemens S5-
U95 PLC controls machine functions.
Circle 301 Tekna offers a Gabbiani elite single beam panel saw with a reinforced frame and a quick saw blade holder.
There are photos of the elite.
When the machine is still doing the last cut, activate the feeder and load the battery of the next panel to be cut. Circle302 Holz-
Her Optima pressure beam saw is available in the front loading or rear loading model.
The features and options of Optima include: sliding saw stand for vibration-
Free cutting, fast cutting
Changsuo blade system without tools, 3-hp heavy-
The scoring unit on duty has a cutting height of 100mm;
Selection of Tria 4000 or Tria 5500 CNC control system
Optimize the package.
303 circle tubuspanach-
Altendorf, 12 automatic panel saws for Div.
Stiles Machinery Co. , Ltd.
Manual Operation and stacking cutting of panels or leaflets. The CH-
12 has the computer download function of optimizing production.
Back program fence of CH-
12 equipped with six pneumatic fixtures for automatic positioning and propulsion when cutting the panel.
Circle 304 slide table see Juno 3000 I from Lazzari America Inc.
With a 3,200mm slide work stroke, there is a lock in any position, 7. 5-
Hp main motor anda 1-
Hp independent scoring motor with external scoring adjustment.
Other features include an inclined shaft up to 45 degrees, a saw blade with a diameter of 400mm, a precision angle meter, and an arm safety guard.
The other three models are also available, including 3-
AxisCNC control unit.
Circle 305 SCMI offers 10-
Ft Hydro 3200 slide saw the hydraulic adjustment function of 0-to 45-
Farming blade group.
The law also features digital reading
Speed of the blade, 59-in. ripcapacity, 9-
Hp main motor and 1-
HP scoring motor.
Other features include anodized aluminum table and heavy dutygauge cross-cut fence.
Circle 306 Deda company
Provides a sliding table panel saw that can cut the panel at three spindle speeds.
An induction brake can stop the main brake device.
The score and the main blade are tilted from 0 to 45 degrees.
The blades are driven by independent motors.
Circle 307 unique machines and tools
Provides overhead panel saws designed for a wide range of applications.
The cut length is available from 48 in. to144 in. , with hold-
Ups and downs and custom tables that meet customer specific needs.
Various materials including plastic, wood, countertops and metal can be cut.
The newly redesigned Martin T-308 circle
Push saw Co from Eric Riebling 72A. Inc.
Contains digital reading-
On the tearing fence, it is possible to adjust by hand from the left and right position of the sliding bracketwheel.
Martin also offers new options, including cross-cutting
With digital (LED)read-out.
Martin T-more advanced
72A automatic slide saw with control panel and 3-
Rip fence, height, and tilt axis control with 100 different values per axis.
Saw309 vertical panel sawmill
Distribute P.
The Meniconi line of the vertical facing panel saw.
Standard features of all models include accessories for cutting short panels, stop devices for vertical cutting, and four positions for horizontal cutting.
Available options on some models include a scoring unit and a dust removal system.
Circle 310 month Optisaw Striebig-
Plus a vertical plate saw from the colony SawCo. Inc.
It has rigid frame, automatic shift bracket and ascoring blade.
The Saw has 75 in. by 169-in.
Cutting capacity and full cutting depth of 3 k in. The Optisaw 1-
In addition, striebig\'s WSG angle cutting accessory Digitron two-can be installed-
By optimizing the software interface, the Axis digital measurement or the new positronic automatic programmable stop system.
Hendrick PRO-311 lap
V is a single blade rating, hold-
The vertical facing panel saw of Hendrick RWH Ind. Inc.
Hendrick said that the straight line accuracy of the saw is /-0. 005 in. The PRO-
V is fully automatic.
The operator only needs to put the material at the parking place, press the foot and press the start cutting button. The PRO-V can cut 1/2-in. squares to 5-ft x 10-ft sheets.
Circle 312 safe speed cutting provides a brochure introducing its vertical facing panel saw series, including standard and optional equipment as well as mechanical specifications.
The company offers seven different kinds of panel saw and router.
Circle 313 A & S machinery
Various saws including 5x5
Saw with vertical face.
It has a vertical cut of 2 3/4.
Cutting length up to 122.
The spindle speed is 3,450 rpm.
The counter balance weight provides additional safety and ease of operation.
Circle 314 Laguna tools
Harwi series with vertical facing panel saw.
There are four models to choose from as well as customizedbuilt machines.
The saw is made of a continuous metal piece welding frame.
The Dustcollection system is optional.                                                                            

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