
monster tunnel diggers on their way to israel

by:Gewinn     2019-09-07
At a news conference a year after the Red Line started near the Ramat Gan Israeli diamond exchange, Transport Minister Yisrael Katz said, \"Although there are pessimistic predictions about traffic jams from Netanya to Gadera and areas where rats are flooding, we have overcome everything.
\"The work of the Red Line light rail train will connect cities such as Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Bnei Brak, Petah Tikva, while Ramat Gan takes a big step with the introduction of the tunnel drill (TBM)
It will be used to dig 90 feet kilometers underground train tunnels.
Itself is a monster of a machine.
300 feet long, weighing 800 tons and 22 tons.
5 feet wide, it can not only dig 75 feet of the tunnel every day, but also lay concrete to reinforce and build the tunnel.
There are 25 people, from the bathroom, restaurant to the observation deck.
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