
boring machines to drill past writers’ next week | kolkata news - times of india

by:Gewinn     2019-08-20
Kolkata: reinna and Prerna, tunnel,
Boring machine (TBMs)
Through the underground of the city, make way for the East
At present, the West subway is moving slowly at a snail-like speed.
But next week, when they get to the last stop of their journey to Marina Avenue, they go all out.
From there, two new TBMs will take over the work of digging holes and finish the work at Sealdah.
Two more Raj-era edifices —
Writer architecture and St. Andrew\'s Church
In order for them to be able to withstand the subway tunnel below, TBMs had a short break.
In nine days, the machines will be wiped from the front of the heritage building to the proposed Mahakaran station, which will be placed on the BBD Bag
Venue Laldighi.
From there, TBMs will move 700
Along the border wall of Raj Bawan, it is only a few meters away from arriving at Binhai Avenue by April 2018.
\"We hope to get bored again before next weekend.
There will bestop ring-
Biswanath Dewanji, chief engineer at KMRC, said.
On Thursday, TOI looked at the ground around the BBD Bag and found that Johanna was only 60 metres from St. Andrew\'s Church.
It is 50 m ahead of the head of the sister of the TBM na, and in order to prevent the increase in ground settlement, she has to keep this gap.
\"Two TBMs can\'t work at the same time --by-
On one side, one continues, the second continues, keeping the minimum distance, \"explained one engineer.
\"They can\'t stop once TBMs are fully launched.
So we want everything to be in order, \"said A. K. Nandy, general manager of KMRC.
A source from Afcons added, \"the strengthening of writers and St. Andrew will continue until a week after TBMs passes.
Although KMRC\'s \"Building Condition Survey\" of the two buildings showed that they were in good condition, the authorities decided to slow down the TBMs and give enough time to strengthen the work.
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