
Focus on Germany's 'Industry 4.0' Intelligent Manufacturing Brings Huge Business Opportunities

by:Gewinn     2022-04-24
At present, a new round of global technological and industrial revolution is on the horizon, and countries around the world are scrambling to formulate strategies, make adjustments, and promptly implement necessary reforms. According to the statistics of relevant German institutions, the production efficiency of German enterprises will increase by 30% due to the implementation of this strategy. German experts and reporters of this newspaper in Germany will take you to experience the 'industry 4.0' strategy, the long-term development of the Internet of Things, and the 'barrier-free' communication between people, machines and products. Optimal utilization of resources, production of products according to customer needs, and maximization of profits - these are some of the goals that 'Industry 4.0' should achieve. It was a revolution rather than an evolution of industrial production. Ideally, there is a direct exchange of information between people, machines and the production resources that should be processed. Germany faces increasing competition. In addition to traditional industrial countries, China and other countries are also developing rapidly. As the world's largest machinery manufacturing country, the quality of machinery produced in China continues to improve. For German machinery manufacturers, the competitive pressure in the mid-end market is increasing. In a recent research report, the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association recommended its members to increase investment in the mid-end technology field of the Chinese market. Nevertheless, the top layer of the technology pyramid needs to be fought for, and 'Industry 4.0' can provide huge business opportunities for Germany. The development trend of product personalization is obvious in various fields, which requires fundamental changes in production links and production equipment. 'Industry 4.0' is the answer to these challenges. One of the strengths of the German national economy is the manufacture of machinery and equipment. In terms of building new factories, the new industrial revolution will offer great potential to bring about the perfect combination of information technology, machine manufacturing and electronic technology through cooperation in government, economic circles and scientific research. 'Industry 4.0' focuses on information exchange. To put it figuratively, in the future, the right hand can know what the left hand is doing, and can know exactly what the left hand needs at any time, and ensure that the left hand can get it in time. The key word for 'Industry 4.0' is the Internet of Things. Suppliers, producers and customers need to connect with each other in order to optimize the value chain. In production, it means that the machine can communicate directly with the customer so that it 'knows' exactly what it should produce; at the same time, the machine communicates with warehouses and logistics centers to ensure that the required components are in place at the right time and transported in the best possible way. Optimum preparation; workers get all the information for optimal production; machines automatically accept tasks and coordinate production processes. Networking production, marketing and logistics through information technology to form a flexible, efficient and integrated value chain is a prerequisite for the implementation of new production. 'Industry 4.0' can achieve two major goals. The first is to improve production efficiency. The German National Academy of Sciences and Engineering estimates that the production efficiency of companies can be increased by 30% through 'Industry 4.0'. The second is to achieve the best use of resources. In addition to improving production efficiency, it also protects the environment. The more efficient the use of energy and raw materials, the less pollution to the environment, as the future should be. A fast, secure and reliable Internet connection is a basic prerequisite for unobstructed real-time information exchange. IoT supports people’s work and simplifies workflow. The huge amount of information and data processing, that is, big data, poses new challenges to the information technology industry. Data security and protection must be guaranteed. It has also been a hot topic of discussion in global politics and public opinion for the past few months. Labor relations will be radically changed, occupational fields will be more demanding, and so-called 'simple labor' may gradually disappear. The implementation of this strategy requires close cooperation between the government, the economic community and scientific researchers. Just as the previous industrial revolutions brought changes to the production process, the new industrial revolution will also completely change the labor relations. Occupational fields will be more demanding, and so-called 'simple labor' may gradually disappear. Career fields will be more flexible and employees will benefit. In addition, machines of the future will be designed more in line with human needs than ever before. This is a crucial and imminent development given the worldwide ageing trend. The German federal government wants to be a pioneer in addressing global challenges with its High-Tech Strategy 2020. 'Industry 4.0' is one of the ten future projects of this strategy. The three ministries of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy and the Federal Ministry of the Interior cooperate closely for this purpose. In addition, three important economic guilds, including the German Information Economy, Telecommunications and New Media Association, the Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Federation and the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association, have jointly established the website 'Industry 4.0 Platform'. Top research institutions such as the German Artificial Intelligence Research Center, the National Academy of Sciences and Engineering, and the Fraunhofer Society conduct research on this topic. In-depth cooperation between the government, the economic community and scientific research is thus guaranteed. Saving resources through the optimization of production processes is important not only for Germany as an industrial and exporting country, but also for the world. All countries will benefit from 'Industry 4.0The great challenges of the new industrial revolution have brought together numerous industrial and economic sectors more closely. It's not just about 'the right hand knows what the left does and needsThis is a huge challenge that cannot be met by a single country alone.
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