
how to clean your home furnishings

by:Gewinn     2020-06-08
Cleaning wooden furniture whether your wooden furniture is oily, painted or polished, will affect the way it is cleaned.
It is obvious when painting the wood, but be sure to know the surface before cleaning.
For example, some wood furniture paint is very light and does not absorb oil, while other wood, especially teak and mahogany, has no paint and uses furniture oil every year.
The oily wood has a warm, soft gloss on the surface, and it only needs to apply furniture oil occasionally to make them look beautiful.
The best care may be minimal for painted wooden furniture, as some polishing and wax damage the color and decoration.
This furniture is done with varnish, paint or wax.
Any commercial polish can quickly clean the surface of the wood.
Choose products that are suitable for furniture finishes.
Paste wax provides a harder, longer time
Longer lasting than spray or liquid polishing, it is recommended for antiques.
Special wood for furniture is Wicker, rattan, bamboo, sugar cane and rush.
Their surfaces are usually natural, but some may be coated with varnish or shellac.
Last but not least, decorating the furniture.
In the next section you will find tips to clean up these.
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