
new panel saws emphasize speed & accuracy.

by:Gewinn     2020-02-19
In applie electronics and computer control technology, panel size adjustment operations are the main beneficiaries of continuous improvement.
The driving force of custom wood products, especially in high
With the ability to further automate the production process, the volumemanufacturing environment is being met.
The latter trend is evident in the field of panel saw Technology, where the latest developments combine more efficient computer control and related graphics with faster feed speeds and positioning equipment motors in
Panel saws, like any other device, are caught in a computer revolution sweeping all levels of the woodworking industry.
According to the consensus of the plate saw supplier across the wood and wood products, the center of the research and development activities is to make it easier to program and operate by integrating the panel saw into the entire manufacturing operation, thereby minimizing installation and downtime.
\"With the current software and control technology, the customer only needs to manually enter dat--
At the order entry point--
Bill Pitt, vice president/general manager of Holzma U, said: \"All information processing through cutting panels is subsequently done electronically . \"S. , div.
Stiles Machinery Co. , Ltd.
\"The bill of materials is automatically generated and automatically flows into the optimization software, which then calculates how to cut the panel at the lowest cost, and then directly downloads the optimized solution to aw control.
\"On the saw, when the part is cut, it contains identification labels for further machining instructions, sealing instructions, work names, etc. --
Alphanumeric or barcode format--
\"This is generated in real time, so the right information is linked to the right part, simplifying downstream par tracking and machining operations,\" Pittsaid said . \".
Rick Hannigan, Holz national sales manager-Her U. S.
\"We see that the saw has become part of an efficient and flexible work unit,\" he said.
In the future, fewer people will be needed for this working group.
The computer will become the brain of these cells, which will also includeto-
Boring and fringe band.
Randy Jamison, National Sales Manager for Selcopanel saw at Biesse America, said he believes that the quality and intelligence of panel saw buyers have improved significantly.
Jamison said: \"people\'s expectations and knowledge have risen, and with this greater appreciation for quality engineering, recent developments have actually re-emergedThinking and rethinking
Design old features to meet today\'s standards and expectations.
Equipment for pre-stack vertical scoring units, etc.
Edge-efficient sorting of patterns using head cutting and thin material loading devices.
All of these features have existed for a while, but there are inherent problems or shortcomings.
Updating these features in terms of engineering and operational efficiency is the latest development in our industry.
\"The development of advanced software for office use and machine control has eliminated the requirements for machine layout programming,\" said Joh Park, SGA general manager . \".
\"In addition, the activity graphics, bar code generation and production statistics available on the machine allow for better shop floor control, including the ability to better pre-calculate inventory.
George Forth, president of Lee machinery, added.
\"Goyal has a paperless interface between the office and the machine operator.
Ability to write see instructions in the office ---
In a quieter environment-
Then download the programming information directly to the saw, which is the real advantage.
I can only think of a panel sawcustomer I have talked to in the last three years, who is not interested in the ability to download.
The download software is now available by the panel saw purchaser.
It is no longer an option.
\"PC conversion\", until recently, the factory workshop was slightly behind the front desk, said John Linss, vice president-
Sales and marketing of Gibbon USA\"Now wood-
The working company is making more efforts to control the entire production process by integrating all the programming functions of the front desk and connecting several PCs together, bringing the factory into the whole production process.
\"I think the most important development to make this integration possible is to move to computer standard technology,\" Linss continued . \".
This usually means IBM-
Compatible PCs used with mainframes or network servers are being used to control the flow of information and production in the plant. This trend with IBM-
A compatible computer cannot be used effectively as a machine controller.
\"In addition, the proprietary nature of the controller is eliminated due to the use of the base PC as a control system.
Therefore, in case of emergency, the machine can be operated by ordinary office computer.
Finally, while industrial, the internal components of the computer can be swapped with the components provided by any local computer store, \"said Larry tobbert, technical support manager at Richard T. Byrnes Co. Inc.
In several groups, experts agreed with Linss on the importance of switching to IBM
Compatible controller.
\"Until a few years ago, most of the computer controllers used by the panel saw were proprietary,\" said Tobot . \".
\"Now, with some exceptions, the panel saw manufacturer is using IBM-
The compatible computer controller is the same as used by the front desk.
Because in their business, almost everyone uses a personal computer.
The compatible panel saw controller makes it easier for the end user to compress the learning curve.
In addition, an increase in familiarity with these systems greatly helps to reduce margin for errors.
\"Jeff fall, brand manager at Gabbiani Macchine, div.
At TeknaMachinery, the only person interviewed questioned ibm-
Compatible controls are bound to be an improvement.
Control devices like Siemens are more suitable for industrial applications, including relatively harsh environments in woodworking workshops, he said.
No matter what brand of computer controllers are used, Farr and others point out that they are becoming more and more friendly to programmers and operators.
\"The controller becomes more user friendly by using the menu --
Drive control, \"said Farr.
\"As with all technologies, the ultimate goal is to make the panel saw operation stupid --proof.
The use of the window menu helps guide the operator from one step to another.
The biggest benefit is that training takes a lot less time.
This is an important advantage when you consider how high the turnover rate in this industry is.
Linss added: \"Today\'s computer offers the option to display advanced graphics.
These graphics are not just beautiful pictures.
They are the actual simulation of operating the machine. -in real time --
The function of the machine is completely controlled by the operator.
This gives the operator an advantage to see exactly how the pattern must be handled, thus eliminating speculation from the cutting operation, as the software will guide the operator to complete the cutting.
This is particularly beneficial for complex cuts.
\"For complex cuts that require a third or fourth cut, the use of enhanced color graphics is becoming more and more popular,\" added Tolbert . \".
\"Graphics can help operators get higher production from cutting.
\"The fact that the display is colored makes it easier for the operator to sense and understand the information displayed,\" Pitt said . \".
\"The pattern setting is done with a CAD process rather than a machine instruction, so the operator is basically drawing a picture of the cut pattern rather than going into a complex program step.
Also, most controls are menus-
Guided the operator through the cutting process based on clear \"tips\" and \"help\" screens.
Andy Johnson, vice president of sales and marketing at SchellingAmerica, said one of the keys to simplifying the optimization process for panel size operations is to develop users-
Friendly support software technology.
\"As optimization software becomes more and more complex, it is important that the programs used get the maximum output with minimal cutting mode or stacking program complexity.
For most medium and large producers, even if there is a small percentage difference in the optimization area, operating costs can produce significant dollar value differences.
Johnson added, \"improvements to color motion graphics in recent years clearly show the information of the saw operator on the part at the front of the saw and the sequence of rotation required for subsequent cutting.
In recent years, great progress has also been made in trouble shooting, and clear text error messages and clear text solutions are automatically displayed on the screen if the machine fails.
In addition, the ability to connect the machine directly to the service facilities, as well as the graphical display of various parts of the machine, through a modern telephone, helps to physically identify the point of failure.
Jamison said: \"Notice that the word\" user friendly \"is a hot word and is overused
But they don\'t mean the controls are user friendly.
Animation or real-time graphics are used to express user friendliness.
While the argument that pictures are worth thousands of words is used to promote the usefulness of graphic control, the actual programming and process of producing these graphics has never been really described before purchasing machines and providing appropriate training.
The degree of user friendliness cannot be determined until this training process begins.
\"Faster panel saws are not only becoming more and more computerized, but they also have a faster and faster manufacturing cycle.
\"The most important developments in technology must be accelerated,\" Farr said . \".
\"The speed of the panel saw has almost doubled in the past two years.
As a result, high-
Production facilities can increase productivity through much lower capital investment.
George Forth, president of force machinery
He said, \"Today\'s panel saw is very fast and has reached the limit in terms of cutting and speed feed.
In order to improve the production efficiency of panel saw, it is necessary to reduce the free time of stamping buttons and programming.
Force said: \"In order to achieve this goal, the electronic positioning system of rip and cross cut fences is incredible.
Everyone increased the speed of the saw rack and the speed of the saw rack\'s return.
In addition, the feed speed of the panel saw is also improved.
\"Speed up with a brushless AC servo motor.
\"The AC servo brushless motor can reach the highest speed and stop quicke more accurately than the DC motor,\" Farrsaid said . \".
\"It\'s not so much the shipping speed, it\'s the push feed speed that will determine the panel saw speed,\" Farr added . \".
\"For the pusher, it is more important to cycle at a faster speed than the saw Holder, because the speed of the pusher ultimately determines the cutting speed of the panel.
Another advantage of the AC brushless motors cited by many panel experts interviewed in this article is that they require less maintenance because they have fewer components.
\"From a practical point of view, travel speed will only have a big impact on the time it takes to roll the dice,\" Force said . \".
\"The saw blade has a certain speed limit for the ability to achieve high quality cutting and long life.
\"On the other hand, Force and other panel suppliers point out that they are selling more machines with lifting devices to reduce manual material handling and associated downtime.
RustyDenson, sales and product manager at SCMI, said that in addition to converting to AC brushless servo motors, the guide system has also been improved, such as the use of dual racksand-
Pinionpush fence and improved material clamping device.
\"Therack and the pinion allow the saw to maintain a greater tolerance at a faster speed.
The clip prevents the material from sliding when stacking the sheet.
If there is no clip, a larger working speed will cause the workpiece to lose contact with the position fence, which will hurt the workpiece. \"Park added.
The machine of panel size can be divided into two groups.
The Firs Machine Group is a traditional single-beam or angular cutting system designed to cut large panels into small components.
The second group is made up of machines.
Cut the panel into a speed line of strips, a combined machine of parallel dimensions, and then cross the strips into basic components.
\"The correct application of this technology involves understanding of the required accuracy, production capacity and downstream edge processing.
The most important development recently is the correct application of high
Speed tearing and crossing
The cutting system combines the technology of the angle saw line with the high productivity of the production line, thus reducing the labor cost, reducing the material handling and improving the production capacity.
For the highest production store, this means more apps
To get the highest possible output, cut the saw onto the cut bar.
\"When the manufacturer of the beam saw puts the inventory into the computer, the manufacturer of the vertical face panel saw and the sliding table saw is integrating digital readings and stops in their equipment to speed up the process.
According to Bob Jardinico, Streibig product manager at ColonialSaw, \"The availability of automatic digital fenders for vertical face panel saws is an important new development.
As the cable manufacturing environment shifts toward justicein-
As the market forces manufacturers to produce cabinets to offer more options for highProduction\"
\"Saw\" continues to increase.
The automatic vertical facing panel saw combined with the automatic digital Stop system basically eliminates most of the settings
Time is improved, accuracy and repeatability are also improved.
Hannigan added, \"We have sold a lot of digital readings on our saw, so much so that it is becoming more and more a standard.
The digital reading can convert the metric to inches and vice versa.
This is a tool that can help the store to be faster and more efficient.
\"Various panel saw technologies are available in North America.
Gibson recently launched 17/G-
Drive angle panel size system.
It is characterized by G.
Drive machine control combined with astandard off-the-
Shelf ibm pc with Gigen Optisave software.
Benefits include integrated diagnostic and preventive maintenance functions to facilitate trouble shooting.
The modular programmable logic control eliminates proprietary control hardware.
If there is a problem with the controller, the standard office PC can be used for the machine.
In IWF \'94, Sherin USA launched 3-
Inchbook panel saw.
FM is the second generation machine of the Sherin FI series panel saw with many mechanical and electronic improvements.
Heavy machine function-
Have high construction capacity
Fast speed and accurate operation. Holzma-U. S. , Div.
Stiles Machinery Co. , Ltd.
The newHPL22 saw is introduced, which can be used in the configuration of front loading, automatic rear loading and angle system.
Features include: 5. 4-in.
Blade exposure up to a40-
Hp main sa Motor, fence positioning speed of up to 230 fpm, sawmill return speed of 330 fpm, all-
Electronic measuring system for fences and racksand-
Small gear drive of saw rack.
AnThon panel saw for European woodworking machinery
Construction on duty.
By integrating the turntable in front of the cutting saw, the saw can perform one or more heads-cuts.
For example, even with alternating cutting, head cutting, and then cutting, any manual material handling can be done between the two.
The program of TheAnThon see control is displayed on the screen as a window and window that covers each other.
The computer system is ibm pc compatible with UNIX-
Based on multiple programs
Many functions are handled or controlled simultaneously by an operator.
The Alfa 32D of SCMI is designed for midsize shop.
Saw takes advantage of the X Plus host to be able to download leading optimization programs in the market.
Standard features include a side alignment device with two rollers for securing the panel on the fence for secondary clamping of the last cut, a hydraulic speedometer for the saw stand, and a quick fence and
Standard air bearing table and nine clips on the push fence easepanel motion.
Gabbiani GDG Delta 110 is a single beam, heavy-
The Duty panel provides automatic back-up and pre-installation versions.
The machine is characterized by a rackand-
Small gear drive for carri with \"Star\" linear motion squar track, DC motor for pusherand carriage, floating double
Action clip, fast
Change the bladand PC interface for easy programming.
The PA5000 series automatic panel saw by Byrnes/Scheer has an affordable saw Holder consisting of cast iron saw Holder, which is composed of capable 4-in. stack cutting.
All sawmill functions are controlled by computer.
Scoring adjustments are made from the outside when the machine is running.
The return speed is 70 m/min.
The saw can be loaded on the front, equipped with optional back loading or provided to the plant as a corner. Holz-Her U. S.
Models available for CA-
80 beam saw with 80mm cutting capacity.
Other features include: precision hardened ground steel guide rail, integrated scoring unit, high
High speed DC program fence with clip, high-
Speed sa compartment, downloadable controller and one-manoperation.
Mayer PS 9Z high-
Speed panel saw from Force Machinery is a simplified CNC machine that provides users
Friendly Programming, automatic determination of cutting length and cutting height.
It can also detect thickness and length to allow automatic cutting and reduction of settingsup times.
Gabbiani Macchine\'s \"Plus\" corner cutting system is a compact machine made up of a sturdy frame provided by TeknaMachinery.
It has fast Brush Motor and patent
Change the system, and the heavy-
Brass wheels.
The company says it is equipped with advanced multi-axis control systems that can work in different climatic conditions.
The Selco WN 200 from the United States of America has an automatic projection of the pillars and main saw blades that form the Coke saw, which is a fast
Replacement of Saw Blade System, pneumatic panel holder and rotating station, and afull-
Used to clamp the length of the panel on the last trim cut additional pressure beam.
The control panel features CNC \"auxiliary line\" and digiset electronic control for marking saw alignment; a 12-in. graphicscreen;
And a PC with optimized software.
The available vertical panel saw Wood machine automatic digital parking positioning system improves productivity
According to the colony saw, the time on the Streibig vertical facing panel saw is getting longer and longer.
System allows operator--
Or workshop foreman-
Enter, sa and password-
Protect up to 255 isolation and can be recalled quickly as needed by pushing abutton.
The measurement then stops automatic positioning with an accuracy of 0. 004 in.
Said the colony saw. Adwood Corp.
A new vertical facing panel saw manufactured by Elcon is available, including a patented \"Limpio\" dust removal system.
This function reduces the percentage of dust released into the air by continuously removing dust before and after the cutting point panel.
With this new system, the panel will continue to support the entire height of the panel during the cutting process. Hendrick\'s PRO-
V vertical panel saw can be from 1/2-in. squares to 5-ft by 10-ft sheets.
Other features include: full length pneumatic hold-
The lower pole of the chip
Free Single
In order to reduce the cost of the tool and the cutting length of 102, the blade score. to 126 in.
Computerized versions are available.
Gmc kgs 510 vertical facing panel saw from Atlantic Machineryfeatures a 4. 8-
Hp motor that works at 5,800 rpm, accurately flipped-A 14-
Maximum cutting length of feet, 77-in.
Maximum cutting height 10-in. carbide-
Sharp saw blade.
The company also offers a largermodel with many options available. The Model SR-5 is a full-
Time panel saw and parts
Time panel is provided for safe speed cutting Mfg. Co. Inc.
Machine comes with a2. 5-
HP Milwaukee saw motor and 2. 25-
HP Milwaukee router motor
Through the wayfence system and process of the frame style. The Model SR-
5 also includes a vertical lift router handle and a floating mounting board.
F-table available
Odenddo assumes that the problem of corruption of the machine is consulted and divided.
StilesMachinery\'s company.
Tear fence with CNC control enables the operator to input up to 30 standard cut sizes and recall them when the fingers touch.
At startup, the fence automatically moves the desired position.
Eric Riebling Co. Inc. offers the re-designed T-
72A slide saw made by Otto Martin Maschinenbau.
It contains a digital reading.
Displayed on the tearing fence, it can be adjusted from the left and right position of the slide frame through the steering wheel.
Other new options include digital LED reading-
For the cross fence, a super-head saw guard plate and button control with a main score saw with a speed indicator.
Delta International offers you
35 saw, 7. 5-
Hpmain motor a 0. 75-
HP scoring motor.
It deals with routine operations such as tearing, cross and oblique cuts, as well as oblique and oblique cuts.
The CP32 side saw in Wadkin USA has 9-
Hp main motor with scale saw and 10-ft by 4-
Ft working ability.
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