
projet montréal\'s pink line: pipe dream or election game-changer?

by:Gewinn     2019-08-12
As a loser in the town hall campaign, Projet montral needs a proposal that can attract public attention and sway votes in its own way.
Earlier this week it was announced that the party\'s proposed expansion of the subway system\'s pink line attracted everyone\'s attention.
Whether it can achieve its second goal will depend on how realistic the Monterey people think the project is.
The new metro line with 29 stations will cost less than $ 6B, and Projet montral saysDenis Coderre, who is seeking a second term as mayor, suddenly dispelled the idea of building a new metro line, the line will be cut diagonally across the city, consisting of 29 stations.
\"You have to be realistic.
\"The laughter festival is over,\" he told reporters on Wednesday in pilemmonds.
\"We know it won\'t work, so why hope is false?
\"However, the engineering and public policy experts consulted by CBC News-
The kilometer subway line from north Montreal to Lachin.
On the one hand, they admitted that the line met demand and that financing was available.
On the other hand, they believe in the estimated price of Projet
$6 billion and $6 label
The timetable for this year may be too optimistic.
Routeprojetmontréalhas attracted the \"sardines class \"--
It refers to crowded subway commuters.
This is a priority for its campaign.
The pink subway line is reported to ease some demand for other subway lines in the city.
\"It is clear that we still have a deficit in public transport in Montreal,\" said gérardmounier, a strategic adviser to legal companies specializing in infrastructure and project financing.
\"The Orange Line is saturated and everyone agrees.
\"Pink lines, as it currently depicts, are designed to go through some of the city\'s most dense neighborhoods and get them into the city center faster.
Normally, this will raise concerns about disruption to businesses and residents during construction.
But Projet\'s advice on new engineering technologiesa tunnel-boring machine—
Dig deep underground path.
Counting tickets: Political parties in Montreal focus on cycling, as they know in the industry, allowing complex infrastructure projects in some cities in Europe and North America, instead of falling into the dilemma of costly requisition, rewiring the power grid and digging into the power system. \"Tunnel-
Boring machines can be more effective and can minimize interference in some ways, but they are not a magic bullet solution, \"mattisi, professor of geography and planning at the University of Toronto
Due to the fact that these machines are running underground and are difficult to access, technical problems can mean expensive and long delays, says bhariatycki. He recently wrote an article about public infrastructure projects.
This raised the issue of the $6 billion budget proposed by Projet.
When the party announced the pink line earlier this week, it mentioned three potential sources of funding: the new federal infrastructure bank, the federal public transport infrastructure fund and the provincial infrastructure fund.
These funds reflect Quebec and Ottawa\'s willingness to pay cash for large infrastructure projects, which should inspire supporters of the project.
\"Canada has a lot of capital to finance any big business.
Large-scale transportation projects . \"
The new federal infrastructure bank will refer to Toronto as a \"home\", but while projethas says it tends to have the pink line fully funded by the government, it may
Ottawa expects that the bank is not fully operational and will be used to leverage private investment in public projects.
Private investors may want to recover their investment through real estate development along the subway.
\"I really think Projet Montreal. . .
It must be said frankly that these stations and next to them need to develop in a way that arises. . .
\"Business income of private partners,\" said Brian Kelly, founder of the idea of urban affairs --
Tank, State of the city.
It can be said that the budget and schedule are the ability to introduce large infrastructure projects on time and on budget, and Montreux is most skeptical about it. The five-
The orange subway line, which extends to Laval, eventually cost $0. 745 billion, a majority of $ billion more than originally estimated.
However, the project did not take advantage of the fact that it had changed the basic infrastructure computing technology significantly.
Analysis: The new light rail system in Montreal by 2020. Seriously?
Madrid and Barcelona completed the project in a shorter period of time using TBMsto and at a lower cost than Projethas\'s budget for pink lines, former consultant kel of ontario \'stransport\'
However, the use of the European model ignores the different cultures and backgrounds of infrastructure construction in Canada.
In North America. . .
Canada in particular, we are very bad at controlling the cost of subway and traffic construction.
\"We are terrible at building fast,\" he said . \".
In addition, projet \'scoping may be on the ambitious side.
In Europe and North America, the price range for subway projects is between $0. 3 billion and $0. 5 billion per kilometer.
If the pink line is at the low end of the range, that means 21-
It takes $6 to extend only one kilometer underground. 3 billion.
The plan also requires 8-
There is a kilometer-long road corridor between the urban area and Lachin, but it may be cheaper to build it.
\"$6 billion is a large sum of money and don\'t get me wrong,\" said Jean Habimana, head of tunnel group at Hatch Montreal office, an engineering consultancy.
\"But it may not be enough if you\'re talking about 30 kilometers.
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