
The Japanese machine tool industry under the recession is optimistic about the Chinese market

by:Gewinn     2022-04-29
Japan Machine Tool Industry Association said in Beijing on the 7th that as the world's largest machine tool manufacturer, Japan is facing a severe export situation under the financial crisis, but the Chinese market is expected to become a major bright spot in the economic cold. Shono Toshiomi, the executive director of the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association, said at a press conference held at the China International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMT) that due to the impact of the financial crisis, starting from the second half of last year, the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association's orders have decreased month by month, entering this year. After the situation is more severe, but he expects that the stimulus measures of various countries, mainly China, can recover the world economy again and make the demand for machine tools recover faster. He said that there are two factors that are conducive to the recovery of Japanese machine tool exports: first, the tendency of excessive appreciation of the yen is gradually adjusting, and export competitiveness is expected to revive; the second is the 4 trillion yuan stimulus plan announced by the Chinese government, which may arouse widespread demand. Sex is great. The machine tool is the mother machine of the manufacturing industry, and the CNC machine tool is a direct reflection of a country's industrial development level and comprehensive national strength. China has been the world's largest consumer and importer of machine tools for seven consecutive years, and Japan is the largest supplier in the Chinese market. Figures from the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association show that in 2008, the total amount of orders received by the Japanese labor union decreased by 18% year-on-year to about 1.3 trillion yen (about 12.9 billion US dollars), and in February 2009, it still fell by 84% year-on-year to 20.4 billion yen. . Among them, orders from China in 2008 fell by 19% year-on-year to about 129 billion yen. Shono Minchen said that in 2008, China accounted for a very high proportion of Japan's external demand for machine tools, about 18%. Japan's machine tool exports to China in the whole year were about 161.9 billion yen, which was 3% lower than the previous year, but still maintained. high level. 'China is still a very important customer for us, that hasn't changed,' he said. Zenji Inaba, vice-chairman of the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association, said that even with the global economic downturn, the growth of the Chinese market is ahead of other regions, and China's role as the engine of the world economy will not change in the future. Inaba Zenji said that Japanese manufacturers paid a lot of attention to the CIMT held in Beijing. A total of 46 companies participated in the exhibition, with a total exhibition area of u200bu200b6,300 square meters. The CIMT held in China every single year is as famous as the European Machine Tool Exhibition, the Japan International Machine Tool Exhibition and the American International Machine Tool Exhibition, and it is the four major international machine tool exhibitions. The 11th CIMT was held in Beijing from April 6 to 11 this year.
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