
The latest data on orders for metalworking machine tools in the United States in the first three quarters of 2011

by:Gewinn     2022-06-08
On October 14, 2011, the American Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and the American Machine Tool Distributors Association (AMTDA) released the latest statistics on US metalworking machine tool orders. In September 2011, the number of orders for metalworking machine tools in the United States was 2,940 units, an increase of 33.45% from the 2,203 units in the previous month, and an increase of 43.62% from the 2,047 units in September 2010. In September, the US metal processing machine tool order value was 607 million US dollars, an increase of 22.9% from the previous month's 493 million US dollars, but also an increase of 51.9% from the 399 million US dollars in September 2010, the highest value in the past 21 months . In the first three quarters of 2011, the cumulative order value of metalworking machine tools in the United States was 4.074 billion US dollars, a substantial increase of 91.9% compared with 2.123 billion US dollars in the same period of 2010. From January 2010 to September 2011, the US metalworking machine tool order volume trend From the perspective of product categories, in September, the US metal cutting machine tool and metal forming machine tool order volume was 2,036 and 152, respectively. In September, orders for metal cutting machine tools were US$554 million, an increase of 23.1% from US$451 million in the previous month and an increase of 52.4% from US$364 million in September 2010; orders for metal forming and manufacturing machine tools were 52 million USD, an increase of 21.8% over the previous month's USD 43 million, and an increase of 46.79% over September 2010's USD 36 million. In the first three quarters of 2011, the order value of metal cutting machine tools in the United States was 3.65 billion US dollars, an increase of 86.4% year-on-year; the order value of metal forming and manufacturing machine tools was 424 million US dollars, an increase of 156.7% year-on-year. AMTDA chairman Peter Borden said: 'September orders for U.S. metalworking machine tools were the second highest in a single month in nearly 15 years, in part because U.S. manufacturers rushed to get more orders ahead of the depreciation subsidy deadline.'
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