
The U.S. government makes another effort to allocate 7 million US dollars to promote the revitalization of the manufacturing industry

by:Gewinn     2022-04-26
The U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, and Small Business Administration announced the winners of the first funding round of the Manufacturing Community Partnership Investment Program (IMCP). It is understood that the Manufacturing Community Partnership Investment Program is a plan of the Obama administration to promote the recovery of American manufacturing and create jobs. The first round of funding and investment of $7 million will be used to reward the creation of an international competitive environment, attract and retain and expand manufacturing. communities that invest in business and promote international trade and exports. These grants will help communities develop industry-specific advantage programs through workforce training, professional research, strengthening industrial chains, improving transportation and energy infrastructure, export promotion, and better access to capital. Phase 1 of the IMCP program has 44 planning grants and investments totaling $7 million to support the development of economic development strategies, identify community comparisons in doing business, investing in public goods, encouraging collaboration among different entities, and improving the attractiveness of a region for business investment Advantage. These funds will help the community develop the necessary strategic planning to participate in the IMCP Challenge, which will be launched in the fall of 2013 and awarded in the spring of 2014. In the 2014 Challenge, the U.S. government will privilege outstanding 'manufacturing communities' by securing grants and investments from 10 federal governments and agencies through the program. Top manufacturing communities will also receive substantial IMCP Challenge grants and investments to work with industry and communities to fund important economic development investments such as workforce training, industrial parks and incubators, and infrastructure. It is reported that the IMCP project was launched in April 2013. Among the 2013 strategic grant and investment winners, 26 projects received US$4.4 million in grants and investments from the US Department of Commerce; 1 project received 1.3 million from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and 5 projects received $766,000 from the Small and Medium Business Administration, 6 projects received $528,000 in grants and investments from the Department of Agriculture.
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