
To check timber mafia, forest dept lens on saw mills | Lucknow News - Times of India

by:Gewinn     2020-06-02
Lucknow: in the fight against illegal tree cutting, the state\'s Saw Mill is now inspected every week.
Due to the illegal cutting of trees, UP loses the timber worth crore every year.
Recent reports of illegal tree cutting came from the Maharajganj district, followed by inspections by the forest sector in other areas.
In addition, the department issued a proposal to the state government to suspend the Matura DFO and SDO.
The officers were found absent during the inspection.
The inspection team will be composed of officers of the department other than the department where the saw factory is located.
\"To ensure that impartial actions, staff and officials are posted on the transfer of a division for three years\" PCCF (UP)Umendra Sharma.
While the forest sector closes a considerable number of sawmill per month, this does not serve as a deterrent to the timber mafia.
According to officials, installing a SAW machine is as simple as installing wood.
Cut anything between 20,000 and 50,000 rupees at home.
Many times, a machine was installed outside the forest at night and was removed in the morning.
\"We saw the residual wood when we arrived at the scene.
Because it\'s a timber mafia gang, it\'s an organized event.
In addition, mobile phones can help them keep in touch and remind each other to patrol the area. Illegal settings-
Most of the Ups are 3.
Run for hours but consume 5 to 5 horsepower of a lot of wood.
\"By checking the saw mill, we can check the illegal cutting of trees because any wood must be taken to the saw mill before it is brought to the market,\" PCCF said . \".
There are 6,857 authorized saw factories up.
This number has remained more or less unchanged since March 4, 1997.
At the same time, the ministry also received complaints against lekhpal, who allegedly forged documents and encroached on woodland.
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